Monday, March 31, 2003

Happy 18th Birthday Hannah!!
Monday March 31, 2003

Today is my oldest niece's birthday~She's 18! Damn I'm old!!

Nothing interesting happened today. I'm now going to watch NYPD Blue on Court TV. The Smits episodes are on again!!


Sunday, March 30, 2003

Sunday March 30, 2003

I just slammed down my 5th SoBe Green Tea in less than an hour. Can we say addict??

I rearranged my room and finished my laundry. I also gathered up all of the paperwork for my car suit. I noticed something very funny-odd. Montrose doesn't have overheating as one of the issues on the first work order, nor do they have the fact that they replaces the lifters and that the engine was cutting out under heavy acceleration. Strange, yes?? I have a feeling I'm going to go round and round with Montrose for quite a bit longer. Woohoo! I can't fucking wait...

I have Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday off this week! Heather and her Mom are going to a day spa, so she needed me to switch with her. She's working Wednesday for me and I'm working Friday for her. Kickass!! I'll have to work Friday and Saturday both, but I'm sure I can live.

I forgot to mention the fun I had on Wednesday!! I got to drive a silver 5-speed Beetle!! Since my car is hella crappy, Dan let me drive the Beetle to pick up lunch. It is soooooo cute, but I'd still rather have a GTI or Golf. I most certainly feel a VW in my near future.



Sunday March 30, 2003

Finally, I'm getting my laundry finished up!! Only about 5 more loads and everything, including comforters and sheets, will be clean!! We still don't have a dryer, so my basement currently looks like a department store minus fixtures. I could give a rats' ass though, at least my laundry will be finished. I messed around with it as my Mom was supposed to buy a dryer and still hasn't. She probably "loaned" the money to Kieth...

I plan on calling Montrose tomorrow with the compression test results. I'm sure they won't do anything to repair the engine, so I'll go forward with my suit against them. I'm not a suing kind of gal, but I feel that's the only way I'm going to get the engine problem corrected properly. All I want is a new engine that runs as a new engine should (no knocking, overheating, choppy idle or major oil consumption). Is that asking too much?

Willie's Muffler is the pimp daddy of exhaust places. My muffler tip is all pimped to one side and shit. My car is so quiet now!!

I'm in Steubenville tomorrow; fun times. I'd better get used to it though as it'll be my home for two months. Here's the hours I'll be keeping those two months, just in case anyone cares (includes travel time and getting ready time in the morning):








I'm going to make hella good money, but I'll be too damn tired to enjoy it!! That's good though, maybe I'll be able to save money. What I'll probably wind up doing is taking two weeks pay to buy a 95 or so VW. Rock out!! If I could find a VW Corrado or Scirocco I'd be even more excited, and since they haven't made either model for a while, I may get off cheaper too!! We'll see when the time comes.

Queensryche, Dream Theater and Fates Warning may be touring together very soon. How happy will I be?? I can't wait until they come to the Cleveland/Toledo/Pittsburgh area. I'm so there!!

Ministry is at the Cleveland Odeon April 26; see you there!!

The Henry Rollins show on March 27 rocked out, but then Hank always is awesome.

It's snowing today. It's supposed to snow until Wednesday I believe, then get back up into the 60's. I hate Ohio!

I'm dizzy and feel like I'm going to fall over.

Time to package stuff and tidy up my room.


Saturday, March 29, 2003

Saturday March 29, 2003

Sorry for the nonposts; been busy.

Starting mid-April I'll be working in Steubenville Monday-Friday. Keisha is going on maternity leave, so I'm filling in for her until mid-June. Won't that be fun??

My car has a bad cylinder!! Woohoo! I had a compression test done yesterday, and it's 125 for 3 cylinders then 80 for the last one. I repeat, woohoo!!

Going to bed.


Wednesday, March 26, 2003

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Oh yeah, by the way....BLEH!!
Tuesday March 25, 2003

OK, so Tuesday's post is really early Wednesday morning. Too bad!!

Sorry I haven't been Miss Blog Updater Girl...Been busy.

It was warm today so I drove around with the top down.

Went to the allergy doctor today for my first round of tests. So far, I know I'm allergic to trout, brazil nuts, turkey, chocolate, blueberries and cranberries and have slight allergies to corn, green peppers and something else. Doesn't that just about suck? I go in next Thursday for my second round of allergy test. I'll post a list when I'm all finished!

Sold some crap on eBay; life is good.

Went to Gabe's and spent money for no reason. Boredom is death to my checking and PayPal accounts.

Going to bed; work in Tallmadge tomorrow.


Sunday, March 23, 2003

Sunday March 23, 2003

I rescued some Docs from the basement today; thankfully the basement flood didn't ruin them. My room is starting to look neat, but I still need to find somewhere to put all of my watches and cosmetics. I feel a trip to Pier 1 or Bed, Bath and Beyond in my near future.

OK, I have to go do something. I forgot what it was, but I'm sure I'll remember eventually.


Sunday March 23, 2003
Six Months Until My 24th Birthday!!

Yeah, I saw a prostitute last night in Akron. She's got to be pretty obvious for me to realize she's a prostitute. I don't know why that amused me, but it did.

I will have my room perfected by this evening. I'm tired of wearing the same 4 pairs of Docs, and the same damn watch!!

OK, more later.


Friday, March 21, 2003

Friday March 21, 2003

OK, I got my hair colored today and it rocks out!! I'll post a pic soon. I'm now a redhead, but it's more purple than red. Hard to explain...

My computer chair is broken, so I fall out of the chair at least once daily. I'm going to have to break down and buy a new one as I don't enjoy falling on my ass.

I finally fixed my brake lights! In the process I broke my turn signal housing, but I fixed it with electrical tape. I rock out! I am the mechanic genius; OK maybe not.

I really should see what the hell my Mom is doing downstairs. She's banging on stuff with a hammer, never a good sign.

I need to do more laundry and finally buy a dryer. I waste so much time everyday on doing nothing; I should have a dryer by now.

Tomorrow is Dover day.

I'm going to see Hank Rollins in Toledo on Thursday; it will be too cool to see his performance again.

OK, that's all for now.


Thursday, March 20, 2003

Thursday March 20, 2003

I wound up falling asleep last night at 7PM, and just woke up! Obviously I was tired...

It's cold out today. Of course, on my day off it'll be cold and icky. I have a ton of running around to do today; why couldn't it be warm and sunny?

I have to pick up my keys at Montrose, pick up my check, deposit said check, get the rest of my crap at the museum and make appointements for about 15 Doctor things. Whee.

OK, I'm done for now.


Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Tuesday March 18, 2003

I am currently amused at the disrespect and non-appreciation some people show me. After all of the shit I put up with for almost a year, that's how I'm repaid. I take it as slander, but maybe I read too much into stuff. Suffice it to say, I won't be offering up anymore help.

On to better things...Montrose claims there's nothing wrong with my car. Seriously, I'm close to driving through the front of the building. Grrrrrrrr...

OK, I have to hang up clothes, then it's off to bed for Lisa.


Tuesday March 18, 2003

Some may think it's tacky to write about family stuff, but I believe everyone needs to know what shit I have to put up with. It explains my irritability if nothing else, and I'm hoping to shame certain family members into paying back what they owe. Obviously the need to do the right thing isn't working, so maybe shame will!!

Tuesday March 18, 2003

I like having Tuesdays off now. Steubenville kicks my ass every week. Yesterday I left at 5:30 as I was yakking. Nice, huh? Everytime I work in Steubenville I'm headachy, and red faced. I dunno what it is about that place; Matt said it's the river which is probably correct. LOL

My car is back at Montrose for the 70 millionth time. It's overheating again, nice huh? The first warm day and it starts that shit up again. I called the owner of Montrose again, but I'm sure he won't call me back, AGAIN.


I'm stuck at home all day as I don't have a car to drive. If I haven't heard anything by 4PM I'm calling Montrose as I will need a loaner car for tomorrow. Fuck them and their shitty service.

Steph's online so I'm gonna talk to her now.


Monday, March 17, 2003

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Sunday, March 16, 2003

Sunday March 16, 2003

I'm addicted to SoBe Green Tea in the cardboard containers. It's hella good! I'm going through at least an 8 pack a day. Nice, huh?

It was 70 degrees here today!! You know I took a pointless drive with the top down. It's supposed to be warm the whole week; I'm so happy!

I now have the computer in my room. It actually looks nice, and fits well at the end of my bed. Now I need to buy a dryer tomorrow because my Mom obviously isn't bothered by not having one. Jeff got the wrong kind of dryer cord; he bought a 50 AMP range cord for a 30 AMP dryer. It wound up killing the dryer. Grrrrrrrrr. I wasn't home, I was at work, or I would have purchased the correct one. Moron.

I love doing laundry in my own basement. Woohoo!

I guess the people next door are kind of icky. They have a mentally retarded kid and they're trying to get him on SSI even though he's able to function in society. That's so sick when adults try to use their disabled children to get more money. Get a damn job!!

Our other immediate neighboors are fine; we never hear or see them. The people two doors down are really nice, and the guy on the very end is an ass, and an alcoholic. He keeps to himself though, so that's OK. I waved to him and said hi when we first moved in and didn't receive any type of reply. He may kindly fuck off. The people on the other end of the building are my age, and the girl is a ghetto rat. The guy seems OK, but I'm in no big hurry to become friendly with either one of them. I pretty much keep to myself.

OK, I have to finish putting crap away so my room isn't in shambles when I go to bed tonight. I hate waking up to a messy room!


LA Guns "Man In The Moon" Whole CD

Sunday March 16, 2003

All of the stuff is finally out of the old apartment; I'm going to have to listen to her bitching for at least another week. I moved all of my stuff last time we moved; no help from anyone except with my bed, cedar chest and bookcase. I carried everything else. So, I left most of my shit in my room and let Jeff and Kieth carry it all. They owe over $10,000 to my Mom with no repayment in sight, so they can help carry my shit.

Bought some new shoes last night; they're on my homepage.

Going to scrounge up some food.


Friday, March 14, 2003

Friday March 14, 2003

JR changed my work schedule again! It actually works out better, though. Mondays I'm in Steubenville, Wednesdays I'm in Akron and Saturdays I'm in Dover. Now I don't have to work the day after Steubenville. Woohoo! Steubenville always kicks my ass as I have to get up at 7AM and don't get home until 9PM. It'll be nice to be off the day after.

Getting paid every week is my friend. I thought it would be bad, but I actually save money more easily knowing I'll have more the next week. I'm strange, I know.

I subscribed to AudBlog so I'll have 12 audio posts a month. Everyone jump for joy!

The DSL service at home is finally working again. Woohoo!

I put my dresser thingie together wrong. I get to tear it apart and re-do it this afternoon. Woohoo!

OK, I'm off. Byeeeeeeeeeee!

Thursday, March 13, 2003

Thursday March 13, 2003

I can finally do a real post! It's been so hectic with work and getting stuff arranged that I haven't had time to update anything, or email anyone. OK, here's the lowdown...

Nothing is going on other than work!!!! I'm going to have pizza for lunch.


Tuesday, March 11, 2003

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Sunday, March 09, 2003

Sunday March 9, 2003

Woohoo, I did laundry in my own basement! I know, the smallest things excite me. I did 5 loads and the dryer decided it was tired. It kicked the breaker, so I guess I'm done until tomorrow when I get home from Steubenville. That's OK, at least I have clean work clothes and clean bed linens.

I finally got pics of my new Docs. I think that's all of the new ones; I'll do an inventory later in the week. Our dry basement is leaking, and some of my cloth Docs got wet. I've figured out that all landlords lie, or at least all that I've encountered lie. Nice, huh?

I'm off to post my shoe pics, then make some green box spaghetti.


Saturday, March 08, 2003

Saturday March 8, 2003

Today has been a good day. Work was easy and both drawers balanced. The weather was warm, and I moved most of my crap from the old apartment. I finally got the computer hooked up, woohoo! It's currently on the dining room table, but I think it's going to wind up in my room. I would put it in the basement, but I'm afraid it would leak just where the computer is. Call me paranoid, but I know how my luck is.

I drove over to the old apartment with the top down; oh yes I did.

I think Piping Hot sounds good for dinner.

Christina Aguilera is a dirty whore, and I mean that in a bad way. Oh, and someone needs to remind her that she's white.

I'm off tomorrow, woohoo! I enjoy three days off during the week very much so. Saturdays I only work until 3, so that's pretty cool too.

I have an assload of crap to put away, and I plan on posting some shoe pictures on my bunny site too. Busy doing nothing.


Friday, March 07, 2003

Friday March 7, 2003

OK, I know it's been a week since I updated this bad boy. Sorry. I worked 8 days in a row and wanted to die. The phone still isn't hooked up at our new duplex, and won't be until tomorrow. The people who lived there prior didn't have their crappy MCI phone service disconnected, therefore SBC wouldn't hook our phone up until the MCI shit was turned off. So anyone who calls our number will receive a "phone is disconnected" message until tomorrow. Sooooo embarassing...

I bought 4-5 new pairs of Docs and will have them posted soon.

The Cleveland Auto Show was pretty cool; there was hardly anyone there at 3PM. Woohoo!

I had Boston Market for dinner and am stuffed. Gotta hit Wal-Mart for some face cleanser. Biore is pretty good shit!

OK, I'm done.


Saturday, March 01, 2003

Saturday March 1, 2003

OK, if only everyone could see my right now. I'm sitting on the floor on a bag of dirty clothes typing this. I came home from work today and the apartment is pretty much empty. Nice. No couch, chairs, table or any of that good stuff. Luckily they didn't fuck with my bed or I'd have had to piss with someone. I drove 1.5 hours each way to work today, and was not in the mood for that shit tonight. Needless to say I'm pretty grumpy right now.

Staying home tonight even though Jodi's hubby's band is playing at Annabell's tonight. I feel bad about not going, but I'd probably fall asleep and die during the drive up there. Not good.

Steubenville may suck my ass. It's in the middle of nowhere and it's just icky. Yuck.

I guess I'll be moved into the new place tomorrow. Whee.

OK, going to do something other than type on the computer.


Saturday March 1, 2003

Happy March 1st!!!

OK, who called my house at 2:45 this morning? Seriously, I wouldn't care any other time, but I had to be up at 6AM today. Someone needs to learn some manners!

The sun isn't even up yet; this is not natural. Steubenville is about 2 hours from me, and I'm only working 5 hours today. Nice.

Need to shower then go to work.
