Wednesday June 4, 2003
I had to take my GTI to the doctor again tonight. His fuel pump fuel tank is leaking, and I need to have the brakes checked out as well. I believe the power steering thingie is leaking as well. This car is just sucking up my money on stupid shit. At least it runs well, and the mechanic said I will have no problems with it mechanically. Whew!! I drove the LeBaron today to pick up pizza and it got hot, in 50 degree weather. Oh how I love my LeBaron...
One more week until I finally have my last allergy tests, and I can get some relief from my sneezing, crunchy-nosed existance. I so much hate that I worked in Steubenville for 2 months, then was totally dismissed for refusing to be lied to and walked on. I called JR today as I saw my old job (3 days a week) is still in the paper. I told him I'd like to come back because I liked the job. He told me he "didn't think that was a good idea" and that he had a few people in mind for the position. I then told him I wish I had known what a jackass he is prior to my agreeing to do him a huge favor by working in Steubenville. Then I told him to kiss my ass, and I hung up. Not exactly mature, but I do feel better now. I'm sure if he was asked about that conversation he'd simply lie as he does about everything else. I repeat, jackass.
One of our neighbors are totally getting evicted. I've never seen someone get evicted before, so I'm all excited. I know, the dumbest things amuse me. I did find it to be quite amusing when another of our neighbors had both of their cars repo'd within 2 months of each other. Teehee! Honestly, I don't live in the ghetto, it's a very nice place. My neighbors are just morons who'd rather party and buy grills than pay their bills.
Speaking of paying bills, Keith actually paid back that $50 ON TIME!! I know, I almost crapped myself too.
I need to photograph my new shoes. I have around 3 new pairs and both pairs of flip flops rock out.
Wolfie needs to get off of his ass and buy that Firechicken convertible I found for him. The Trans Am is calling my name, but I do not need 4 cars. Seriously now, my insurance is high enough on two 4 cylinder cars (one turbo) and a 6 cylinder car. Like I need a car with the LT-1 engine, and over 300 horsepower. OK, so I DO need a car like that, but my wallet doesn't. I'm showing restraint and this is a good thing.
Fluffy the cat is a pimp G.
The Stark County Lincoln Highway Cruise-In is Saturday. MotherNature better cooperate with us this year!!! Actually the weather was perfect last year, and I'm hoping it is the same again on Saturday.
I need a cool charm organizer, as in necklace charms. If anyone has any ideas, email me.
OK, tired so I think I'm going to bed.