Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Bad things happen when Minerva Dave starts talking to me about beer/drinking:
I'm getting started on the weekend a bit early, no?

Whee, don't have to go into the office tomorrow. How great is that? I think it's pretty damn special.

Going to dig around my DVD/VHS collection and find something good to watch.

Happy 19th Birthday Hannah!

That is all.
Something more for me to bitch about...In my auctions I have that I accept money orders, Western Union auction payments and US cash only. International bidders have to pay via US cash or Western Union. The terms also state payment must be received within 7 days of auction end. Does this mean you can use Buy It Now on my item then bitch because I don't accept PayPal? And it also means you can take years to send payment because you have to "buy US funds" to send as payment, right? Do people not fucking read? How hard is this to understand? Also, don't bitch about shipping charges when you didn't bother asking prior to using Buy It Now. Don't try to get me to quote letter post when the packaged item will be too large to qualify for letter post. I'm not stupid, so stop pretending you're smarter than I am. You're not.

That is all.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I have 2 soundcheck passes for the Detroit Queensryche show. Um, that's great but I'm going to the Columbus show! Grrrrrrrrr.

That is all.
Well the GTI didn't get to the doctor today. I called the towing people and they don't have a flatbed truck available until tomorrow. Hopefully he'll be fixed by tomorrow evening, but if not he'll be fixed by Friday afternoon.

Again, I didn't do anything today. Jamie was working this evening so we're not getting together.

The unnamed person is still pissing me off. Eat shit and die!

That is all.
Jenny and I are going out Friday night. I plan on getting soooooooo drunk I don't even remember my name, let alone all of the people I'm pissed off at right now. We'll be at Iron Tales Saloon in Canton; drop by and buy us a drink!

The GTI is going back into the doctor tomorrow to have his transmission seal replaced. I picked my Mom up from work tonight then we ran back home so I could put on pants (I was wearing Adidas shorts) and so she could get her purse. We then went to AutoZone to buy an air filter for her car. On the way there my car started whistling/whining in third gear. Well upon leaving AutoZone and returning home, 3rd gear started groaning and whining. I'm guessing the transmission is either dry or close to dry. I parked my car in a different space tonight, and I'll check for the telltale puddle in the morning. If there's no puddle I'll be sure the tranny is the noise-maker. My Mom is being nice and loaning me the money for my tranny seal; hopefully I'll be able to get my struts and coils soon as well, but that's a tick more expensive.

Rained all day today. I didn't do much of anything, and it was nice. This weekend I'm busy. Friday night Jenny and I are going out, Saturday night I'm free and Sunday night I'm going to the Clutch concert in Cleveland. I emailed Jamie to see if he wants to hang out tomorrow (Wednesday). I hope he's free as I just sit around the house and think when left to my own devices, and that's not a good thing.

That is all.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

This works. I guess the new plan of attack is for me to go into work for about an hour or so, then come home and work. I'll get paid for 4 hours at home, and whatever I'm in the office as well. I may be losing 2 hours a week, but really it's worth it.

Still in a pissy mood. People never cease to piss me off.

It's raining but that's the one thing I'm not pissed off about. It fits my mood.

That is all.

Monday, March 29, 2004

An executive decision has been made. I am raising the GTI back to his regular height. Why, you ask? Lots of reasons, the main reason being regular springs are only $140; Eibach springs are $240. Plus I won't have to baby him as much over railroad tracks and I'll be able to drive down unfamiliar roads in the dark. Right now I'm stuck to familiar roads at night as I can't see the holes in the road until I've run through them. I know I'm going to lose his awesome handling, but I'm being practical (for once) at the moment. Later on down the road I'll get the Eibach set. Don's going to kick my ass when he has to keep changing the springs on my car.

I'm in such a pissy mood, you can't even begin to imagine.

That is all.
Ugh, I need to get to the doctor. I'm not getting any better so I think it's time for a visit. I felt a little better over the weekend, but I feel even worse now. OK, enough crabbing about being sick.

I don't plan on doing anything today as I have nothing to do. Guess I'll watch TV or something.

That is all.
Mikey the Cat, I am allergic to you. You're cute, but no more cuddling.

Today I washed the GTI and my Mom's car. The washer thing ate half of my money so there I was in the wash bay with no change to rinse my car. He was all soapy, and I couldn't rinse him. So I had to call my Mom and have her bring me change to finish washing my car. Note to self, don't go to wash your car with only $2 in your pocket. Dumbass.

The rust is a-popping out on the GTI. I really have my work cut out for me this weekend if it's nice outside. I detest sandpaper. For some reason it just skeeves me out, and I hate sanding my car. But it must be done, so I'll deal. I kind of wish I hadn't washed him today as it just makes the rust spots more apparent.

I just downloaded the new SBC/Yahoo DSL browser. It's even better than Netscape 7, but then again my Netscape browser has been fucking up for over 2 weeks so anything is better than that. Oh well...

It was so warm out today. At least 70 degrees and sunny. I guess it's supposed to rain Monday and Tuesday, hopefully it'll be nice the rest of the week and the weekend.

Anyone know of where I can rent a Ferrari for the day or the weekend? Dr. Dork graduates in May and his graduation present request is to have a Ferrari rented for the day or weekend. I plan on passing this info on to his parents, and I'd like to know if this can even be done before I go to his Mom and Dad. They were going to buy him a new laptop, so I know they're planning in spending at least $1500 to $2000 on his graduation gift. Anywhere in Northeast Ohio is great, and I'm guessing Cleveland/Beachwood is going to be my best bet. Even Columbus or Pittsburgh is OK. If anyone knows where I can rent a Ferrari in my area, please email me.

A picture of my GTI rim just cause it's so cool:

That is all.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Here's the type shit that gets me all excited. I know, I'm an odd one.

BTK Killer Resurfaces

I'm off to read some of my Encyclopedia of Serial Killers book, and go to bed.

That is all.
I saw a bee today (Friday). That is the sign I needed to assure me that Spring has, in fact, arrived.

I took this photo yesterday (Thursday) evening on my way to the Falls:
Isn't that purty?

Today (Saturday) will be spent eating at TGIFriday's for the Billy's birthday, and running amok.

Didn't do much today (Friday). Just some laundry, went to the half-off store and dug through my closet for my favorite blue V-Tech phone. I finally found the damn thing in the bottom of my dresser.

I think I'll go to bed or something.

That is all.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Oh yeah, one more thing. MXC was on from 9AM to midnight. I looooooooove MXC.

That is all.
I rode in a K car today; a Reliant K car to be exact. It was fun.

Worked from 9:00-10:30 then came home to work for 4 hours. That rocks.

Rode around in the GTI today with the top open and the window down. Woohoo!

Cleaning up the bathroom then going to bed.

That is all.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Bah, I must have these boots, but they're $229:

Purchasable here if anyone is so inclined. I take a UK3/US5 please and thank you. LOL

I have a feeling I'm going to be up all night and I have to work tomorrow. Bah.

OK, Smits is on Court TV. Mmmmm, Smits.

That is all.
Travis emailed me today saying I need to have comments enabled in my blog. There's many reasons why I do not, but simply put, it's because people are stupid. I'm all for constructive criticism, but people aren't that way. I would have countless morons posting personal attacks and I don't have the time, or patience, for such stupidity. I always reply to anyone who emails me, and if it's that important I'll comment on the email in my blog. If you don't like my blog, don't read it. You don't have to agree with what I say but you do have to realize this is my space for whatever I feel like writing.

I'm feeling worse as the day goes on, but I hope to be OK for work tomorrow. If I miss tomorrow as well, that means I'll only have a 12 hour pay. That sucks.

I think I may order some wings; maybe that'll burn the ick out of my system.

That is all.
I'm still sick. My throat hurts worse today than it did yesterday, but I'm not coughing anymore. Bah.

The tornado siren (test) woke me up at 9AM. The cops banging on the neighbor's door woke me up again at 11AM. I guess I'm not supposed to sleep or something.

If you're broke, don't go on trips, constantly go to bars and buy shit you don't need. Need and want are two very different things by the way. If you aren't going to follow these simple guidelines then shut the fuck up about being broke.

I think I'll try going back to bed.

That is all.
I am watching the VH1 countdown of the top 40 hairbands of all time. Anyone who knows me even moderately well knows of my love for 80's metal, 80's pop and all other things 80's related. I loooooooove 80's metal; I can't help myself.

The List

Christ, I'm old. That list reads like an indexing of my CD collection.

That is all.
My Mom bought me a new hat yesterday at K-Mart. K-Mart is fast becoming one of my favorite stores. Yes, the "designer whore" just said she likes K-Mart.

Word for the day is chippy. Don't ask.

I've been called the credit widow as I kill credit lines. I have no idea what he's talking about.

I think I'll go to bed.

That is all.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Halloween 9 will be released on October 31st. I am too excited, and it'd better not suck!

Arrived at work this morning to be sent home 20 minutes later. Apparently I sounded like a froggy whenever I talked, and I was attempting to hack up a lung as well. I came home, took a nap from noon to 3:15PM and I feel much better. I'm still sneezing and boogery, though, so it's not over. Maybe I'll see a doctor tomorrow if I'm not feeling better.

Finally remembered to make the car rental reservation for the Queensryche show; I rock. We now have tickets, and a car. Now all we need is for that spiteful bitch (Mother Nature) to cooperate and life will be good. We don't even need to worry about the Columbus highway sniper anymore!!

Please tell me that's not a flu-like ache I feel in my neck and shoulder. Grrrrrrrr.

The remainder of yesterday was spent running around town. The doctor, then picked up Mom's car, then back home to shower, then out to eat and to K-Mart. Today has been spent sneezing and being out of breath.

Total cost to have the Z-34's timing belt changed? $745 including parts, labor and tax. I guess her car has a belt and a chain, but the belt does most of the work so it's a good idea to have it replaced. Hopefully we'll find out why her check engine light keeps coming on as well.

I'm off to find something to eat. I'm hungry, but yet again I don't know for what. I hate it when that happens.

That is all.

Monday, March 22, 2004

I hate getting sick. I wish I would just wake up sick, but oh no, it has to gradually creep up on me. I hate being sick too, but I think the build-up to sickdom is worse than the actual sickness.

For those of you who heard me spazzing about my transmission, it's fine. I was worried because I couldn't put my car into first gear until I was pretty much stopped. Don the Mechanic told me that's because first gear isn't synchronized in my car; makes sense to me. So now I don't have to worry about first gear being bad or something. Also, my younger brother's friend did have his Beetle repaired at Don's, so I get a free oil and lube! Woohoo! I need an oil change in 750 miles (111,000 total miles), so the free oil/lube couldn't have come at a better time.

I'm off to nap until 2:30 when I have to take my Mom to the doctor. Watch, the car guys will call at 1PM and say her car's fixed. That's just enough time for me to get into a good drooling sleep.

Mother Nature needs to stop hitting the booze and decide on a fucking weather pattern. Saturday it was in the 50's, yesterday it was in the 40's and last night/today it's snowing and fucking cold. No wonder I'm sick, and everyone else I know is sick as well.

That is all.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Just an FYI: Someone is using this email addy,, to send viruses. That is one of my email addresses, but I never email anyone from that addy. If you receive an email from that address please delete the message as it probaby contains a virus.

Didn't go to the Dream Theater show this weekend. I haven't felt "right" since Tuesday, and besides, I didn't see the point in spending the money for parking and tickets, only to see 2 or 3 songs that I like. I am definitely going to the Clutch show on April 4th in Cleveland, and the Queensryche show April 18th in Columbus. Tickets have all ready been purchased and all that good stuff.

Now it's Monday and I'm finishing up this post. I started this post, then went to lay down and didn't get up until 8:30 this morning. I've felt kinda sick for almost a week, and now I know I'm getting sick. My ears are clogged up, my head is boogery and I'm coughing. I NEVER cough unless I'm sick. I'll be miserable for work tomorrow, this I guarantee. Oh yeah, my throat is getting sore too. How fun.

Over the weekend I finally found the two Bonham CD's I've been searching for. The Disregard of Timekeeping and Mad Hatter. Yeah, I'm excited.

I have to run my Mom to the dentist as her car is in the shop today. New struts are a good thing.

That is all.

Friday, March 19, 2004

See what happens when I'm up late? Jamie sends me to website like this. They have Halloween, Atari and Gremlins shirts. How could you go wrong??? Thanks again, Jamie

That is all.
I was trying to watch my Charles Manson A&E video but it's all jacked up. I'm watching the John Wayne Gacy tape instead. Yes, I'm sick and twisted. Love me anyway. LOL

My Mom is buying that candle set off of me for $5. I cut her a deal since she's family. LOL Tomorrow we're going back to Carnation Mall so she can get goose clothes. Yay! Her car isn't going into the shop tomorrow after all. I guess the mechanic called and said he's the only one in the shop tomorrow as everyone else has the flu. She's taking the car in on Monday morning now. Nice, yes?

Again, I hate Ohio:

Mother Nature is a fucking cunt.

That is all.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Home now, thank goodness. I left an hour early, 2PM instead of 3PM.

My tax refund arrived today, finally!

I need to take a nap.

There was something I was going to write in here but I've totally forgotten what it was. I do that often as I have no short term memory (and no, I've never smoked pot, or anything else).

That is all.
I just answered the phone. "Silver Eagle and Auto Connections, Lisa speaking." Please allow me a moment of excitement.

At least I'm getting paid to surf the Net, and to update my blog. That's good, I guess. I do have to phone a client after 5PM this evening, so that little task will be performed from home. I rock.

Lets see, yesterday was an "eh" day. Went to Alliance to apply at Goody's, but the application place was closed. After that I ran all over the country trying to find the original Halloween on DVD. K-Mart had a 25th anniversary 2-disc thing for $25, Wal-Mart didn't have any Halloween DVD's and Sam Goody had the same thing as K-Mart only $5 more. How hard is it to find a regular old Halloween DVD for under $15? Obviously harder than I thought.
I also checked out Bath and Body Works' new spring stuff, and I was suckered into buying a lilac candle set thing. It smells really good, but since it makes me sneeze I'm returning it. Shame really as the candles do smell good.
Wal-Mart warranted 2 boxes of Kraft Green Box spaghetti, 2 Hershey's mint chocolate cookie bars and Black Dog on DVD. I love Patrick Swayze, I can't help myself.

I looked up a Zip Code, I rock. I've done two work related things today. I can't stand being at work with nothing to do, and there really is nothing to do. The kitchen and bathroom areas are tidy, nothing needs faxed or shredded and I have nothing to print or look up on the net. Bah!

I'm off to do nothing for another 2 hours. Kill me quickly.

That is all.
I'm at work, enough said.

I love Juicy Fruit Grapermelon gum. Go buy some, right now.

Want to pass out.

That is all.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Happy St. Patty's Day. I'm not Irish, so I won't even try to pretend I am.

In case anyone cares, I spanked that nose blemish courtesy of a Biore pore strip. Woohoo!

Lots to do tomorrow, so it better not fucking snow.

Off to bed.

That is all.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Ugh, I feel like I'm going to hurl. I ate a turkey sammich around noon, and have felt pukey since 1PM or so. Maybe some Kool Aid will help me feel better.

OK, I understand people are excited about the St. Patrick's Day parade tomorrow, but was a press conference really necessary? It's Cleveland, the weather always sucks, get over it. People are dumb.

Woohoo, it's supposed to be 41 on Friday and 52 on Saturday!! Is it ever going to end? Where is the sunshine? Where's the sandal weather? Hurry up Spring!!!!

Still no tax refund check. I loathe the US Postal Service.

I was supposed to get my tranny seal replaced on Friday at 11AM. I told my Mom to please not schedule her car repair until after 1PM on Friday; she agreed and the subject was dropped. I got home from work today, and there's a note on the entertainment center. She made the appointment for 9AM on Friday. Hello, did we not discuss that yesterday? So I had to cancel my tranny seal appointment as I'll have no way to get home from the mechanic, and my Mom will have no way to pick up her car. How hard would it have been for her to have scheduled that for after 1PM? I should be used to this kind of shit, but I'm not. I'm guessing I'll reschedule the tranny seal project for next week sometime. Hopefully my transmission doesn't blow up before I get the seal replaced. Dammit.

My cold sore is almost gone. I guess Valtrex really does work!

Why is it that everytime it snows, there are all kinds of wrecks? It snows every year in Ohio, what's the fucking problem? Don't drive like a moron, and you won't wreck. That's pretty simple, isn't it?

I think I'm finished griping for the time being.

That is all.
Some people are so stupid. Honestly now, it's a crappy Mustang and he needs to learn how to A.) Spell and B.) Properly format numbers. Willing to trade for a Beetle and cash? I bet his is. Besides, that's not a trade, that's a partial trade. As Steph would say, fuckwad.

That is all.
Driving to work this morning sucked. The roads were pretty bad if I'm slipping and sliding around in the GTI mobile. It snowed really hard for about an hour, then stopped and it hasn't started back up since. It didn't snow enough to get me home early, so it needs to not snow at all.

I'm now off to print out ads.

That is all.
Hello, my name is Lisa and I'm a lip balm addict:

Click to enlarge

I counted my lip balms today, or at least the lip balms I have in that drawer. I counted 82 lip balms, and I know I have at least 20 more in purses, my car, etc. I'm currently sporting a cold sore so I'm only using my "pot" lip balms, that way I don't get the rest of my lip balms infected with germs. I just have regular lip cold sores, not the icky "other" herpes. Even so, it's hella embarassing to fill a prescription for Valtrex pills and Valtrex cream. I made sure to point to my cold sore and say "I hate when I get COLD SORES on my lip". The girl just grinned and kind of nodded her head like she understood I don't have an STD. I know how much I hate cold sores on my lip, so I can't even begin to imagine what they'd be like anywhere else. I feel sorry for anyone who has the herpes STD, especially women who get it from being raped, or from their husbands being unfaithful. OK, I'm finished talking about herpes!

I was washing clothes this evening and one of my bras managed to jump in the washer and dryer (I usually wash them by hand in the bathtub, dry on the table). The bra was all mangled and had choked one of my Happy Bunny socks. Thankfully the bra wasn't ruined, as it's one of my favorites, and my Happy Bunny sock survived too.

I hope it does snow a lot tonight/tomorrow because if I have to work a full day tomorrow I'm going to be tired. I need to go to bed!

That is all.

Monday, March 15, 2004

Almost forgot, Mother Nature has been upgraded from a cunt to a spiteful ass-licking cunt. We're supposed to get some huge snowstorm beginning around 4AM and going until 11PM tomorrow (Tuesday) night. All I know is, I'm not driving to work if the roads are bad and I hope my boss understands. I'm also not staying at work until 3PM if the roads are beginning to get bad. I'm not a doctor so I don't need to work when the roads are bad. I've never understood people who will risk their lives driving on really bad roads for some office job. If you're a doctor or a nurse or something, I understand. But an office worker? The papers will be there tomorrow. The weather people are calling for 8-16 inches, if not more. This sucks ass.

That is all.
The Friday Five only 3 days late! I promise to have the answers in here on Friday from now on. LOL

1. What was the last song you heard?
Type O Negative's "White Slavery"

2. What were the last two movies you saw?
Christine and One Hour Photo

3. What were the last three things you purchased?
Wyler's Black Cherry drink mix, Lemon Lime Kool Aid and a deli pickle (Saturday).

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
Have my car's tranny seal replaced on Friday, get my Dream Theater ticket on Friday, go out with Jenny on Friday, go to the Dream Theater concert on Saturday and go out with Jamie on Sunday (I know that's 5, too bad).

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
Dr. Dork, my Mom, Pauline (Mom's friend), Travis (online) and the Summit Racing customer service person.

Heehee, the Friday Five is fun!!

That is all.
Just another example of how shit always happens to me. My Mom's federal tax refund arrived today, mine didn't. They were supposedly printed and mailed on the same day, so where is my fucking refund? Just an example of how shit always happens to me. I'm not whining, I'm just stating facts.

Now I'm in a crabby mood, and I'm not leaving my house.

That is all.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Guess who won a song from the Pepsi/IPod thingie? I did. I rock.

Tomorrow is Monday which means I have to work on Tuesday. Don't get me wrong, it's great to have a job again but it's so damned boring! A new store in Carnation Mall is opening soon and I'm thinking of applying there as well. Retail won't be so bad as long as it's no more than 2-3 days a week. Besides, can we say "employee discount"? I'll have to apply, then see how much they pay, what hours they offer, etc. You never know...

It's confirmed. Jamie and I are going to see Queensryche in Columbus (Newport Music Hall) on April 18th. Woohoo! I'm soooo excited. My last QR fiasco resulted in my being late for the show and only catching the last hour of their performance. That was also the evening before Fluffy was put to sleep, so I wasn't in the cheeriest of moods to begin with. This show will be much better and is almost 6 months to the day from the last time (October 17th) I saw QR. Again, woohoo! Hopefully I'll score soundcheck and/or meet and greet passes for this show too!

Type O needs to tour this summer.

My car needs a bath.

Fingernails are not to be used as screwdrivers.

I almost bit a chunk off of my tongue Friday night. I was eating a sucker and bit down on the tip of the sucker. My tongue was in the way and was almost removed from my body. I manage to hurt myself during most any activity, and now even while eating.

I love digging through my lip balm drawer (yes, I have a lip balm drawer). It's like going shopping without spending any money, or even leaving my room. I found my Mark Lip Lights in tangerine, but I couldn't find the other two flavors. I need to dig through my lip balm drawer after I finish my laundry.

That is all.
So far I'm ahead in the GTI VS Prelude poll. Damn right!

Thanks to Jamie I now want this chair. Thanks so much Jamie.

Found struts for the GTI at Summit Racing. KYB self adjusting struts for $40 each! I should be able to save up and have them installed by early-mid May. Woohoo! That's a lot cheaper than $180-$200 a strut!

It needs to warm up so I can get to the bodywork on the GTI. He also needs a bath pronto.

Hope it's warm next Friday so I can get a ride on someone's bike. Jenny and I are going out again Friday night to Party's bar and most of my old friends should be there. All of them have motorcyles. Jenny and I are such trollops.

That is all.

Saturday, March 13, 2004

All right, which is cuter?

Click to enlarge

GTI or Quaalude? Vote to the left.

Goddamn Ohio roads were horrible on the way home. All snowy and slick and shit. Mother Nature has now been upgraded from spiteful bitch, to a cunt.

That is all.

Friday, March 12, 2004

Can I never be on time for anything. Actually I will most likely be on time, but still, why did I sleep until 2PM? I had my alarm set for noon, yet I slept right through until 2PM. Argh! Maybe if I got off the computer and started getting ready, I wouldn't be late!!!! There's a concept...

Gotta be in Cuyahoga Falls by 4PM.

That is all.
I hate Ohio:

What the hell is Mother Nature trying to prove? That she's a spiteful bitch? That's the only thing I can come up with.

Don't you hate when you get one of those blemishes that go into your face instead of out? I have one on the side of my nose and it's irritating the crap out of me. I'm going to stick a Biore strip on it later tonight, that'll show it who's boss.

Britney Spears is a skank.

No work until Tuesday and for that I'm thankful.

That is all.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

OK, obviously I'm a moron. Today is Wednesday, not Thursday. CSI and Without a Trace are not on tonight. Dumbass.

Guess I'll watch a DVD instead since I'm all settled on the couch and shit. Dammit.

That is all.
Goodness, I'm certainly on a sugar kick as of late. I've been killing Black Cherry Kool Aid and rootbeer Bottlecaps candy. I had to buy Wyler's Black Cherry drink mix today, and it's nowhere near as tasty as the Kool Aid brand. I think I'll protest if Giant Eagle is out of the Kool Aid brand this weekend.

Drove my car to the grocery store, and around town so he could warm up fully prior to my returning home. He runs fine, finally.

My AOL mail is still all jacked up. Hopefully no one is trying to get in touch with me. Bleh.

I've been lazy on returning emails that are sent to my sbcglobal account. If you've emailed me and I've not replied, I apologize. I'll return everyone's emails tomorrow after work.

K, I'm off. Have to finish up my laundry then it's CSI/Without a Trace time. Then it's time for bed!

That is all.
First day of work was today. I'm really going to enjoy this job! I spent my day searching online auto ads, seraching for car shows and eating at Burger King. I have to try and design a flyer to hand out at car shows. Anyone who knows me is aware that I have zero artistic talent. This is going to be interesting.

On the way to the auto show Saturday, I saw this:

What exactly happened to this Mustang??? And I thought the BaronBomb looked bad!!

If you've emailed my AOL account and I've not replied, please email me again. The last couple days I've had problems with my AOL account. I'll click on an email to open it, and AOL will freeze. When I log back on to read the email, it has vanished. I'm not ignoring you, I just didn't get the email!

That is all.

Sunday, March 07, 2004

The GTI runs fine. Finally, he's OK. Not quite as fast as before due to a missing Oxygen sensor (fucking up the air/fuel mix or something), but he runs really well.

Saw the first 4 episodes of the Soprano's 5th season; they are awesome! David Lee Roth has a cameo in the 4th episode. How awesome is that?! Some good quotes from the first 4 episodes:

Do you want a fucking apology? Whitman's Sampler? (Tony)
Go shit in your hat! (Uncle Junior)
Oooooooooooh! (Pauly Walnuts)
He's still twitching, this one. (Chrissy)

Many more that I can't remember. If you don't have HBO, get it. I don't have HBO, but I can watch the series screener tapes so it evens out. LOL

That is all.

Friday, March 05, 2004

Whee, I worked today from 4PM-7PM and it was nice! I arrived at work around 3:15, but we didn't leave until 4, so I didn't get paid until 4PM. That's OK, though, as it was a lot of fun. We photographed a 1956 Thunderbird in Peacock Blue (think teal) that was in very good condition. The guy selling the car was nice too, so that made the time go quickly. I start my regular Tuesday/Thursday schedule on Tuesday, but I have a feeling I'll be doing listings a lot sooner than I'd first anticipated.

The GTI ran fine and scooted right along. I caught air on a bump in the road! That wasn't fun, and I do not plan on going airborne again.

I rock, by the way.

It was soooooo nice today. Thankfully I was outside, and able to enjoy the 78 degree weather. It's only supposed to be in the 40's tomorrow, which sucks, but it's better than freezing or below.

Cleveland Auto Show tomorrow, then plug changing and various other GTI tasks. I have to take a drive on the ho track too (Arlington in Akron) as the hos may have rotated since I was last up there. Heehee, the dumbest things entertain me and Dr. Dork.

I'm burning a CD then it's off to bed; gotta be in Cuyahoga Falls by 1:30 tomorrow afternoon.

That is all.
It's 76 degrees today. OK, if you're in Florida or California that's no big deal. I'M IN OHIO. I am going to roast on my first day of work. Yes, I'm going in today for a couple hours. Chris (the bossman) and I are going to a customer's house to photograph a car for sale. My first day on the job and I'm all ready doing the fun stuff! Woohoo! I really think this job is going to be a lot of fun, and there's a lot of money to be made outside of my regular hourly wage. I can't wait!! My first payday is the 19th, but it's only for one week. Ick!

The drive to work will be my first "trip" in the GTI since he came home. Of course I'm a bit apprehensive about driving him because of the trouble I've had with his chug. But if Don says he's fixed I will try to be optimistic.
The wind has me worried too. It's windy as a sonofabitch outside; my car is little and light. I'll be blown across the street!

OK, gotta go change then leave for WORK!!

That is all.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Shit, I totally forgot to update about my car. Duh! Anyway, I picked him up yesterday around 4:15PM. Don called yesterday morning soooooo excited because he'd figured out the GTI riddle. Turns out the dumb asscrust who sold me the car is a complete stupid fuck. When he changed the header (yeah, the GTI has a "performance" header) he ripped the oxygen sensor out of its little cubbyhole. Well he twisted the wires all together, then twisted the wires around the swaybar. There they sat, shorting out everytime they got wet and grimy, or everytime they touched each other. So Don fixed all that up and only charged me $53.25 (he worked on my car for at least 3 hours)! I drove my GTI home and drove my Mom to the dollar store last night; he ran fine. I do believe he's fixed. Don stuck him on the scope thingie, and the engine code thingie; all is well. The coil is fine, as are all of his other operating systems. Now I need new struts, the tranny seal and a master cylinder to have a good as new GTI. I'm having the tranny seal replaced in 2 weeks, when I receive my tax refunds, and I'll probably have Don do the master cylinder too. Then all I'll need to replace are the struts, and that's going to wait for a long while. Oh well, at least he's running again and being cute and stuff. I do need to replace my driver side body trim thingie; the grey piece that runs along the door. It fell off when Don opened the door last week. Nothing a little alcohol and 3M adhesive won't fix. LOL And I need to change the plugs on Saturday as well. There's nothing quite like changing the plug wires, and not changing the plugs too (it was 5 degrees outside, come on now). Heehee!

Confirmed "upgrades" to the GTI:
Performance header/exhaust (Brospeed)
Neuspeed springs (3" lowered)
Tokico rear struts~adjustable
Neuspeed strut brace bar thing
Special cams (plural as it's a dual overhead cam engine)

I would like to get Recaro seats, new front struts (obviously), some ignition thing Dr. Dork was babbling about earlier this evening and a new paint job. Around $3500 and I'll have him just as I'd like him.

That is all.
OK, now it's supposed to be in the mid-70's tomorrow! Rain is likely, but mid-70'S! Yeehee!

Got a new cell phone today, and a new phone line in my room yesterday. It's been phone week or something.

Start my new job tomorrow, but I only work from 3-5. We're going on an appointment to photograph a car that's being put up for sale. My first day and I get to do fun stuff! The bossman may want to take my GTI instead of his Infiniti, though, as the GTI is pretty pimping. LOL

Not doing anything tomorrow other than work 3-5; Saturday is the Cleveland Auto Show. That'll be fun. I may even drive the GTI to the auto show, we shall see.

OK, I'm off to bed and hopefully I'll sleep until at least 9AM. Last night I went to bed at 10PM and woke up at 2AM. I was up until 5AM then slept until noon. What the hell?

I had an appointment today to get my eyebrows waxed, but I totally forgot about it. I was scared too, so that may have had something to do with my memory lapse. I suck.

That is all.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Holy hot fuck, it's supposed to be 66 degrees on Friday. Woohoo! Right now they're calling for rain, but who cares? 66 degrees!

Yes, I am awake at 20 til 6 in the morning. I went to bed at midnight, then woke up at 4AM with insane heartburn. What the fuck??? I think I'm OK, now, so I'll try sleeping again.

Have to be up at 11AM just in case the phone company guy is actually on time. I'm getting my phone line installed today sometime between 11AM and 3PM. I decided I'd break down and get my own line, with voice mail, so I don't have to worry about not receiving my messages. I also have unlimited long distance for $20 a month which comes in handy since 98% of my friends' phone numbers are long distance from my house. That's always nice.

I smell a car wash for the GTI in my near future. I'll even wash my Mom's car; sure why not?

That is all.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Got a job today! I'm now the eBay and office girl for the Canton office of First Trade Registry. I'll only be working Tuesdays and Thursdays to start, but it's $9/hr so it's better than nothing. Besides, I'll work more this summer when I begin doing listings on my own. Right now I'm responsible for the data entry, dictation and customer contact portions of the business. In a month or so I'll be comfortable enough to start collecting the vehicle data, taking photos and approving cars for sale. I will have the power!!! By the way, I'll get paid to attend car shows. Now who's the pimp???

The GTI has a bad coil and will be home by the end of the week; hopefully Thursday at the latest.

Going to bed.

That is all.