Sunday, October 31, 2004


I just can't stay away, can I?

The only movie I can't watch is Night of the Living Dead. Seriously, I get maybe 4 mintues into the film and have to turn it off. So far today I've watched two specials on the Amityville Horror (History Channel), Halloween 2 and 4 (AMC), Curse of the Exorcist (E!) and I'm now watching something on scream queens (E!). I also managed to pretty much finish up my laundry, and make 2 cassettes for whenever we get the Camaro out of the shop.

I'm now off to make some tomato soup, because I rock. Maybe even a grilled cheese sammich to go along with the soup.

That is all.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

No More

OK, I won't be blogging for the next couple days as I have nothing to say. At this point, it would just be more of my bitching, and it's obvious no one wants to hear anymore of it, so I won't even bother. I will, however, leave you on this cheery note.

Why life sucks:
-No job
-No car (as you all know, it's still fucking dead)
-I'll be home all by myself on my favorite holiday (Morgan works and has no way down here anyway)
-Life is generally giving me a nice assfuck (without lube, mind you)
-I can't sleep

Happy fucking Halloween.

That is all.

Bright Idea

Morgan had the genius idea to take the car to the guy Don recommended from now on. Very good idea, dear.

I'm alternating between Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Bless The Child (Jimmy Smits is in the movie!). Yeah, I'm a bucket of fun this weekend.

That is all.

Um, No

No word on the car, and the jackpipes have left for the day. Does anyone else find this to be fucking ridiculous or am I being too demanding? I could understand if they told me they had other cars to work on, but that's not the case. They said my car was first on Friday, and they'd concentrate on it all day today. I didn't call out there today just to see if they'd take the 4 seconds to telephone me and keep me apprised of what was doing. If I've not heard anything by noon on Monday, my Mom and I are driving out there to see what the fuck's going on. They'll have had the car all day Friday, today and half a day Monday by the time I get out there; long enough to have figured out what's wrong. I've learned my lesson and will never take any car there again; it's to the dealer for me (only because of Morgan's discount, LOL). At least the dealer uses new parts, and offers a warranty too.

Again, I want to smack someone.

That is all.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Kitt, Help!

Where was Kitt when Michael needed him?

That is all.


The people who are "repairing" the Camaro are fucking idiots. So far they've replaced the ignition module, the ignition switch and the coil. The car still won't start. Thankfully they put the old coil back on the car since it was over $100, and I didn't need the fucking part. Now they're going to replace the crank sensor, and if they break it during removal, the car won't be fixed until Monday at the earliest since they'll have to drop the oil pan. Fucking morons. I'm going to be pissed when it's either the distributor or the key. I'm calling in the morning and having them replace the distributor too, since they're doing the plugs, wires and cap/rotor as well. Second Friday in two weeks that we've not had the fucking car. Apparently this is going to be an every-other-week thing.

Now I'm pissed.

Thankfully my Morgan is still sweet. : )

That is all.

Fucking Yahoos

Well it is the ignition module, but the assfuck I took the car to is taking forever to fix the car. It's a 25 minute job if you know what you're doing; he's had the car all day. I guess there's 15 different ignition modules for the Camaro, and it has to be matched up to the key or the car won't start. I'm guessing I won't have my car until Monday, and that'll be after I get the part myself, and take it to them. The Camaro also needed plugs, wires and the cap/rotor thingie. So I'm going to be stuck without a car all weekend, because I was dumb and took the car to those yahoos instead of taking it to the Chevy dealer like I should have. Why oh why can't Don work on Chevy's too?

I'm watching The Enforcer and wanting to punch someone.

That is all.

Thursday, October 28, 2004


Dear called me from work and yelled IGNITION MODULE in my ear. After some probing, I gathered from him that the Camaro probably has a bad ignition module. A mechanic at the dealership had a 92 Camaro that was so bad with ignition modules, the guy actually carried a spare with him in the car. It isn't the timing chain, though, since everything spins when the engine is turned over, it just won't start. That's cool, since the timing chain replacement isn't a cheap fix in the slightest. Hopefully the Maro will be fixed tomorrow afternoon; that would rock.

So yeah, I was stranded in Strongsville for two days, but it wasn't bad since I was with the Morgan.

Heehee, Mr. A+ Certification trying to figure out a Compaq printer.

That is all.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Car is still broken and Morgan won't get off the couch so we can figure out what's wrong.

I'm fucking starving.

I really need to throw something.

That is all.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Well, Morgan managed to break the car today. We were in his parking lot, on the way from his Nana's house, and the car just stopped running. We've not been able to get it running since, so I think it's probably the computer. It'll turn over, just not catch. Either the computer or the fuel pump, both of which aren't too bad to take care of. It didn't make any weird noises or anything; just stopped running. The engine sounds normal when it's turning over, it just won't start. The fluid levels are all fine, and it's not reading anything funny on the dash either (no oil lights or temperature lights come on). Damn Chevy.

On a related note, I've just about had it with these games. Not related to the car mind you, but related to the person who broke the car. You can't have everything, and have me too. It's OK to have friends, but this is getting a bit ridiculous. The road goes both ways. I know, no one has any idea what I'm talking about, and I like it that way. Ha.

I think I'll chase Abie around the apartment while Morgan's at school. I would go poke the car, but he has the car keys, so I can't get in to the damned thing. Probably best, since I'd more than likely wind up breaking something else, anyway.

That is all.

Monday, October 25, 2004


I have an interview tomorrow morning, woohoo.

Halloween is Sunday. Per usual, I won't do anything special for my favorite holiday. I hate not having any friends who appreciate Halloween as much as I do.

CSI Miami is so lame compared to Vegas. Or maybe it's just David Caruso's crappy acting that brings the rest of the cast down. Yeah, I think it's Caruso's crappy acting. LOL

Guess I'll do some laundry.

That is all.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Saturday, October 23, 2004

It's Clean!

I was bored today, so I spent 3 hours cleaning the Maro. I tore the console apart and vacuumed out all of the cigarette ashes, cleaned all around the stereo and heater controls and even found the light for the shift lever (it's burned out). I need to get to Auto Zone or Wal-Mart for a new bulb, so the console is currently torn apart. I also Armor All'd the entire fucking interior, and vacuumed out everything as well. It smells 100 times better than it did; smoking is icky. I like the Maro more and more everyday, which should be pretty fucking obvious. LOL

I beat a Corrado on the way home from Morgan's this morning. I beat my dream VW in a V6 Camaro. I should be more crushed than I am at the moment. LOL

Gotta go pick up dinner from Domino's. The new doublemelt pizza better not suck!

That is all.

Friday, October 22, 2004


For some reason this makes me sad:
Property Information
Type: Vehicle VIN#: 1VWDC0171JV007528 Year: 1988 Make:VOLKSWAGEN Body Type: Hatchback
Current Title Information
Title number: 7703159246 Title status: Active Owner name: GRANGE MUTUAL INS Issue date: 10/18/2004 Title type: Salvage Mileage: 120304 Mileage brand: Actual
Issue Date 11/19/2003 Title Type Original Title Status Inactive Inactive Reason Transferred Out of County Mileage 108000 Mileage brand Actual Owner Name PRIVATE OWNER
I love the Camaro more and more every day, but I feel the VW fit my personality much better than the Maro. Oh well, the Maro is Morgan's car anyway....

OK, I'm off to do something.

That is all.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

More Stuff

I must share. At a rest stop in Indiana, Morgan and I pulled over so I could pee and he could smoke. I had finished pottying, and was in the car warming up, when Morgan comes over and tells me to get out of the car. I'm like, dear I'm warm so this better be good. I get out and Morgan tells me the old Amish guy next to us pointed to the Camaro and said "that is a tool for evil." In reference to the Camaro; tool for evil. Oh my. That has prompted us to decide on a new plate for the Camaro. We're ordering that when we transfer title for the Maro. Bwaaaaaahahahaah.

Few more photos of Morgan and Mecha:
Posing out by the Maro
No idea what they're doing
Aww, how cute

A building I thought was cool in Chicago:
I think weird things are cool

Again, it was a good time but next time we do a trip like that we're going to make sure we have the time to stay overnight at our destination so we can start out fresh for our trip home. Oh, and sleeping before we leave would be good too. LOL But I got to spend time with my Morgan, and that's all that matters.

That is all.

Nice Idea

OK then, we're not doing that again. LOL Went to Chicago Tuesday night after Morgan got home from school. We wound up leaving Strongsville around 1AM, and we arrived in Chicago at 7:45AM Chicago time. Just in time for rush hour traffic, woohoo! Anyway, we were on the South side of Chicago, and I knew we were in trouble when we saw a tombstone sales place that had this written on the building: Tombstones made while you wait. Oh.My.Goodness

In Chicago we saw the Sears Tower, Bulls Stadium and various other things. I saw a Filene's Basement, Bloomingdale's Home and a ton of other stores I'd have loved to stop at, but Morgan was trying to not kill other people on the road, so we thought it wise to simply get out of Chicago before someone hit the Camaro.
I saw Frank Lloyd Wright's home and studio in Oak Park, IL and a few of the homes he designed as well. Morgan bought me a Slurpee from 7-11 (woohoo!) as I seem to be obsessed with 7-11 Slurpees.

We then arrived in DeKalb, IL at Northern Illinois University to visit Mecha (Morgan's friend). We hung out there, went to Pizza Hut twice then left for home around 9PM Wednesday night. We finally got home at 8AM today (Thursday). I was stopping at every rest stop along the way to try and wake myself up, and finally had to have Morgan drive home from around Sandusky (Cedar Point). I drove from the middle of Indiana to Sandusky, OH. Not too bad, I don't think. The Camaro and I are getting along much better, as long as it doesn't rain. LOL
Some photos from our trip:

Morgan and Mecha
Morgan and Mecha (Morgan's Best David Hasselhoff Knight Rider Impression)
Cool Parking Deck in Chicago
Sears Tower

I'm going to rustle around in the fridge, then go to bed. I've slept 4 hours (9AM-1PM today) since Monday at noon. Woohoo!

I would have AudBlogged along the way but apparently my cell phone isn't any good past Toledo. Alltell's not even in Illinois and I don't think it's in Indiana either. Fucking shit.

Obviously the Maro ran fine the whole way there and back, so I'm now confident in its dependability.

That is all.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Guess we're going to Chicago. I'll AudBlog along the way.

That is all.


NeverRunning280Z (5:31:22 AM): I pulled my Wankel out in the garage today.
NeverRunning280Z (5:31:25 AM): It was pretty dirty.
LoveDocMartens (5:31:28 AM): LMAO
LoveDocMartens (5:31:31 AM): Overshare
NeverRunning280Z (5:31:34 AM): I had Bob help be clean it.
NeverRunning280Z (5:31:37 AM): me*
LoveDocMartens (5:31:42 AM): Oh my
NeverRunning280Z (5:31:48 AM): He sure can shine my Wankel nice!

Cut us some slack, it's assfuck o'clock in the morning.

Yes, Morgan finally arrived. After he nearly hit a cop in Perry Township, and it wouldn't have even been his fault.

That is all.

By The Way

Morgan wanted to say hi to everyone:

Isn't he the best? LOL Gotta love his crappy webcam. For being such a computer freak, he sure has crappy accessories.

That is all.

I Couldn't Make This Up

I swear, this was in the paper under general employment:
Hot Dancers wanted with pay. 330-830-8656
What the fuck type of ad is that?

Morgan should have been here by now; I'm starting to get worried. Fifteen more minutes and I'm going to have to start walking to find his silly ass.

I'm off to worry.

That is all.

Monday, October 18, 2004

More Camaro Photos

Woohoo, here's a photo of the missing ground effect insert, and also a photo of the Camaro all wet and posed for action. Mmmmm, baby. The Morgan wound up coming down last night after work, so we ran over to Turtle's house for a bit, then came home and watched TV. Well, I watched TV and Morgan looked for Camaro parts on the Interweb. He was supposed to call when he got to work today (left from here instead of going home first), but he hasn't so I hope he's OK and didn't wreck the Maro (it's raining). Grrrrrrr.

Anyway, the photos:
Missing Ground Effect Insert
Wet Camaro Front

I hear my spaghetti boiling, so I must go.

That is all.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Another Camaro Photo

Here's a photo I took of the Camaro last night at Morgan's house. Mind you, the photo is pretty dark, but look at the rims. They look brand new!

That is all.


My goodness, this isn't the message you want to receive when signing onto your Yahoo messenger program:
MorganYahoo: deer evasion at 80 mph is hard but doable
Sigh...Thankfully he also said he's OK, the car's OK and he didn't manage to kill anything else on the car. He's at work until 5, so I guess I'll find out after then what happened with the deer. That boy, I swear...

I can't get photos of the missing ground effect today as I don't have the car. Morgan may come down tonight, but he'll probably wait until Tuesday night after school. So, I should be able to post photos by Wednesday night at the latest. Not that anyone cares, I'm just saying.

Helpful tip for the day: If the cover for your car's coil wire is missing, don't spray the coil wire with the water hose.

That is all.

Drunken AudBlog Post 2

this is an audio post - click to play

Drunken AudBlog Post 1

this is an audio post - click to play

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Um, Yeah

One day in and all ready he breaks something off of the poor car. Ground effect insert, fucking GONE. I'll post photos tomorrow as it's dark and cold right now. In all honesty it wasn't his fault as it was loose and wiggling around anyway. Fucker snapped off on the highway and whapped a riced-out Civic. Obviously the Camaro hates rice as much as we do.

It sleeted today; I want to die.

That is all.

AudBlog Post 1

this is an audio post - click to play

Friday, October 15, 2004


I am such a loser. Or I just love Halloween (the movies and the holiday) that much. LOL

I'm going to bed as Morgan's sleeping, so I have no one to entertain me.

That is all.


All right, I guess I shouldn't be as pissed off as I am, but that's too bad. I wound up driving out to where the Camaro is, just to see what the fuck was going on. Turns out, a brake job came in right before my car got there, so they took that truck before my car. The brake job wound up lasting all day, so they didn't even look at my car today. He said they will be in there tomorrow at 8AM and have my car fixed for me tomorrow as well (mine is the first one they're working on in the morning). So I got up at 8AM for nothing. How nice. I did have a chance to tell the guy to check all my fluids, and the rear end as well, but I'd have much preferred my car to have been ready when promised. Grrrrr.

Hopefully Morgan will be able to clean my car tomorrow instead of today. He works the same hours tomorrow (9-6), so I'll get there around 5. If he's busy he won't be able to clean my car, but that's OK. I'll have to leave the house no later than 3:45 to make sure I get there on time, though, as I don't drive the Camaro fast at all, and if it's raining I'll have to leave even earlier (like around 2:30; I'm not joking) since I can't drive that car for shit in the rain. I like the Camaro, don't get me wrong, but why did I buy a rear wheel drive car? Oh that's right, because it's actually Morgan's car. LOL

That is all.

3:30 My Ass

"Have it here in the morning and it'll be ready by 3:30." My fucking ass it'll be ready. It's now a quarter til 4 and I've not heard a thing from the guy who's fixing the Camaro. I had to have the sonofabitch towed to the shop since I was driving it with the emergency brake on and thought I'd killed the tranny. I couldn't figure out why the car had no power and wasn't running right. Could it be because the emergency brake was set? No, never... Anyway, why did I get another car as it's obviously doing me no good. It's the fucking GTI all over again. So I'm stuck at home all weekend with no car, even though I just spent $800 on a car, when instead I should have taken that $800 and rented a fucking car for 3 months. At least then I'd have been assured of having something to drive. I want to hit someone.

That is all.

Thursday, October 14, 2004


OK, my luck is pretty bad when it comes to cars (ever since I bought the BaronBomb in 98). Anyway, I got the Camaro yesterday afternoon around 5PM. I then drove to Morgan's house, 60-some miles away, around 5:30PM. The car ran fine the whole way there, and the whole time we drove around Cleveland (to his Dad's, etc). On the way home this morning (4:30AM) I pulled over to fix my windshield wiper (squirter thing had popped off). That's when I noticed smoke pouring out from around the headlights. I proceed to freak out in the BP parking lot and call Morgan. He didn't answer the first time I called, so a police officer came over to see what was wrong. The second time I called Morgan he got up and answered the phone. We originally thought the rear main seal had went out, but it turns out I'm leaking tranny fluid, not oil (GTI flashback anyone?). This is an auto tranny, so the mechanic guy said one of the lines probably blew out. I'm supposed to buy a couple quarts of tranny fluid, then take it to the mechanic first thing in the morning. Since it's a Chevy Don can't work on my car anymore, so I'll take it where the lady I bought it from always took it. Blah. There's a huge fucking puddle of tranny fluid under my car, and it smells like firey ass when the car is warmed up since the fluid is getting hot and burning off. I am glad it's not the rear main seal, though, since that was going to run me around $350. The tranny line is much less expensive, so I'm happy for that. Other than that, the car runs great. LOL I'm glad Morgan likes his Sweetest Day Present. LOL Here's a photo of the leak. See where the fluid is running right down the one line, then dripping off? I'm guessing that's the bitch that busted, but then I'm definitely not a mechanic. I didn't even know where to check the oil on this damn car! Get me a VW and I know what the hell I'm doing, put me near an American car and I'm totally lost.

Here's a photo of the engine too, just because it's huge compared to the GTI's engine.

That is all.


I got the Camaro today and drove it to Strongsville right after buying the car. It ran fine the whole way there, and it ran fine the whole way to Morgan's Dad's house, and back to Morgan's house. On the way home from his house I noticed there's smoke or something coming from under the hood. I think there's an oil leak somewhere, so I'm going to check that when it's actually light outside. It runs fine, though, so I don't quite understand what it could be. I think Morgan just got himself a 91 RS, though, as I can't drive the damn thing for shit. I had to pull off of 71 at W130th (Cleveland) so he could drive since it was raining and I was freaking out as the car was pulling like crazy to one side. His Dad told me I'm going to love driving that thing in the snow, as Morgan's Iroc is a pain to drive in the snow (they don't call it the Snowplow Z for nothing). I give myself 3 hours the first time it snows before I wreck the car, therefore I do believe Morgan will get the car and he can drive me to work. That will be a problem if I'm still living down here, but I guess we'll have to figure that out when the time comes.

I'm tired, and I'm babbling. It's off to bed with me.

That is all.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

As I Thought

I won't be going to that interview today as I have no way to get there. You know, since it is all my fault I wrecked my car and the insurance company is fucking me. Had I been driving like a maniac and wrecked my car I could understand, but no, I was driving along minding my own business when I ran over something in the road. Of course I'm sure that's never happened to anyone else, though, so silly me for thinking anyone would be understanding and help me out. So there goes that job, and it sounded perfect. $9-$10 an hour, full or part time (I reread the job details) and right in Strongsville, close to Lakewood. Silly me for thinking anything would work out for me; I should know better by now.

I'm going back to bed as that insurance check isn't going to show up today, so there's no point in my being ready to get the car as soon as the mailman arrives.

If you don't like my crabbiness, don't fucking read my journal. Quite simple, really, don't you agree?

That is all.

Smoking Is Bad, M'kay?

Today would have been my Dad's 63rd birthday had he not smoked 4 packs of cigarettes a day for at least 2 or 3 years, and had he not smoked for 52 years total. Again, smoking is bad, m'kay?

That is all.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Spaghetti Anyone?

Thanks to Minerva Dave's infecting me with the Westerns bug last year, I just watched the last half hour of a spaghetti Western. I do love me some Clint Eastwood, though. Fuck, now I'm going to have to watch Dirty Harry after MXC goes off and I have to be up early for my interview.

Just thought everyone would like to know. Sinkers and Floaters is on MXC so I'm off to watch people get fucked up.

That is all.

I Am So Lame

I'm watching Halloween AGAIN. To make it worse, I have Halloween 5 all loaded up in the VCR and ready to play when the DVD is over. Again, I am so lame.

My head is killing me, but it's impossible to nap when everyone and their grandma calls the house. It's not even anyone I want to talk to, instead it's all telemarketers even though we're on the do not call list.

Donald Pleasence was such a pimp.

That is all.

Bend Over, Please

Supposedly the insurance check was mailed yesterday. Now since yesterday was Columbus Day, I find that hard to believe, but the guy said it shows in the system as having gone out yesterday. Hopefully it arrives tomorrow, but now I'm thinking it'll be more like Thursday. I won't get to take the Camaro to my interview tomorrow afternoon, but at least I should be able to buy the damned thing by Friday at the latest.

I am so desperate for something to do, I am now watching Lifetime. Hug me.

That is all.


Ah, the insurance on the Camaro is only $300 a half, which is $50 a month. That's for full coverage, including towing and rental reimbursement. Rock out! Now if I only had the damn car I'd be set.

Finally got my cell turned back on after dicking around with two Alltell locations, and an hour and a half of time. That bitch Jen at the Alliance store just paid next month's bill by being such a cunt. I love calling to complain. But, on the flipside, I will compliment the other girl who helped me (her name's on my receipt) as she was very nice and helpful. Alltell store service sucks balls, but their rates are good and the service is good too.

Heehee, I just got an interview for a job in Strongsville, about 4 seconds from Morgan's house (in the complex where he used to live; there's regular apartments and office space as well). That would rock for when we move to Lakewood as I'd only be about 20 minutes from work. The position is for an Internet researcher, and is full time with benefits. That would be too cool! Interview is 1:30 tomorrow afternoon, hopefully I'll get to take the Camaro on the interview! Otherwise I'll have to borrow the biddy mobile, and I'm sure she'll just love that one. LOL

That is all.

Crabby Road Ahead

I was just sitting here today wondering where the fuck summer ran off to. It's the middle of October and I've done nothing I wanted to do this summer. No trip to Fallingwater, no trip to Ikea (although Morgan and I did see Ikea this summer, I didn't actually get to go inside) and only 3-4 car shows were attended. Now it's almost Halloween (my favorite holiday) and I've not visited any haunted houses, nor do I think I will get to visit any. Not only are they asshole expensive for some reason, I don't think Morgan's too interested in going with me. Lets be honest, there's nothing more lame than going to a haunted house by yourself, so I guess I won't go to any this year. I went to one last year with Dr. Dork, and I don't think I went to any the year before. I've just been kinda down the last couple weeks, so I'm sure it's not really as bad as it seems right now.

I need a damn job like now. I'm tired of not having my Morgan pillow every night. Blargh.

I'm going to bed I guess.

That is all.

Monday, October 11, 2004


According to my local Grange agent, the check should arrive Wednesday. That would be ideal since both my Mom and the lady I'm buying the car from do not work Wednesday. We shall see, I guess.

In other news, Morgan starts A+ certification classes tomorrow evening. I guess he'll be using my Camaro Tuesday nights to get to/from class (6-10PM every Tuesday until February) until he gets a car. His Dad has been driving the Iroc, so both Morgan and I aren't too optimistic about the Iroc ever returning to Morgan's possession. His Dad bought the car for him in 96 as an early graduation gift, but Morgan hasn't been able to drive it for at least a year. Before that it wasn't a problem since he had the Moozda and the Saturn, but then his Dad blew up the Moozda, and Morgan wrecked the Saturn. Not fun, not fun at all as not having a car sucks donkey balls. Oh well, I'm sure we'll figure something out.

That's been the upshot of my day.

That is all.

Well Now

This evening turned out to be quite the interesting evening. Saw John's new apartment, got my CD player back from Dr. Dork then, of course, Morgan and I had to be accosted by the police.

I'm off to bed.

That is all.

Sunday, October 10, 2004


Instead of going to Strongsville tonight, I guess I'm going to Cuyahoga Falls. Thanks to John for wanting to hang out tonight, when everyone else was being asshats.

Waiting on my Mom to get home so I can take her phone with me as I'm not 100% sure where John's new place is in the Falls. I know the general vicinity, but I'm not sure which building he's in, nor which street to turn on in order to get to his building. I was going to have my phone turned on this afternoon, but Alltell is closed on Sunday so there went that idea. Fuckers.

That is all.

Ho Hum

Guess I won't get the insurance check tomorrow since Monday is Columbus Day. Hopefully I'll have a car by Friday, but that's being awfully optimistic. I have a feeling Grange Insurance is going to keep fucking me as long as they can. As of right now, they have my car and the notarized title and I have nothing. The claim status online mentions nothing about the title having been received (I dropped it off in person), nor does it mention the check having been sent ("I'll cut the check immediately"). Bastards.

Don't know what's doing today. I may go to Strongsville, then I may not. Depends on if Morgan is too tired to do anything. If he's just going to sleep, then there's really no point in me driving 67 miles to hear him snore, now is there? I can't wait until we move in together.

It's showertime, not to be confused with Hammertime.

That is all.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

My New Car

OK, kids, here are photos of my new (to me at least) Camaro. Cue up the country music, throw on your flannel shirts and break out the mullet wigs; Lisa is getting a Camaro. I don't actually get the car until next week sometime, when I get the insurance check, but the lady I'm buying it from is really nice and she let me take some photos so I can post them on here. I also ran the VIN and all is well as I figured it would be. She's put 30K miles on the car since 96; I don't think it's been too beat on. LOL
Driver Side
Passenger Side
I couldn't get inside for any interior shots, but the interior is pretty nice. Keep in mind, the car really needs washed, so it doesn't look nearly as nice as it will once I wash and wax it. I don't think I'm doing too badly anyway, as it's in great mechanical condition, and the body's pretty solid. You can't even see the bondo stripe on the driver side anymore!

OK, I'm off to get ready as I have to pick Morgan up from work.

Before I go, though, someone hit my Mom's car. Don't you love people?

That is all.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Bye-Bye GTI PT2

More GTI photos from Tuesday:
Missing a speaker
Stereo's gone
Stickers are gone

My new car is going to be the 91 Camaro RS. I may get it tomorrow (Friday), but I seriously doubt the insurance check will show up that quickly, no matter what that assfuck claims guy says. I'm probably looking at Monday, since the bank closes at noon on Saturday, and our mail doesn't go until after 2PM. The RS is black, hardtop, no power options, air, tape player, V6 with (factory) dual exhaust (sounds really nice), red interior (car was originally red), 91K miles, automatic tranny and a pretty good body. The rear and passenger side are in really good shape. The driver side had rust all along the lower portion of the car; from the front to the back. The lady I'm buying it from fixed the rust and left the pretty pink bondo stripe the whole way down the body. When I talked to her today she said she painted the whole driver side so the bondo stripe doesn't show up anymore. That's what I was going to do until I can afford to buy a new driver side door and the two quarter panels (front and rear), so I can cross "painting the stripe" off of my to-do list. The car is filthy on the outside as this lady lives next to some type of metal factory, but that's also a good thing. All of that crud has formed a type of protective barrier on the car. Morgan said he has some degreaser stuff at work that'll take all that shit right off the car, so I'm not worried about it at all. I just need to clean the front and rear windows so I can see to drive the car home. The interior is really nice, and just needs Febrezed as the previous owner is a smoker. The dash can use a good going over with some Armor All, but the seats and stuff are in good shape with minimal stains and only one tiny little tear on the driver side seat back. Overall, for $800, it's a really nice car. It runs GREAT, has relatively new tires and brakes and the lady has an extensive maintenance history for the car as well. She bought it in 94 from the original owner, so I'll be the third owner of this 91 RS. I'm excited simply because this car won't smell like exhaust or gear oil, I'll be able to take regular bumps in the road at speed, and won't have to worry about filling my tranny with gear oil all the time. Don't get me wrong, I miss the GTI, but he did need some work to be brought to his full pimp status. I should be down on Tusc smashing rice next weekend. LOL And by the way, when Morgan and I test drove this car on Sunday, I chirped the tires going into second gear....and it's an auto. Mwaaahahahahaa And the drive tire is currently the little donut spare; not even the full size tire. Bwaaaaaahahahahaha

Dammit, my Morgan has to work all weekend (Friday-Monday, he worked today too) so I get to clean my car all by my lonesome (if I get it Friday). He did say if I get the car tomorrow (Friday), he can wash it for me after he gets off work, so that's cool. We can't do as much to this car as the 95 for upgrades to the engine or body, but we can make the 91 look like an Iroc, even though they didn't make Iroc's in 91. Heehee!

I'm going to try sleeping, but it'll be pretty hard without my Morgan pillow.

That is all.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Salvage Title Bastard

Well, I'm not getting that 95 Camaro. After driving up there twice this week, countless phone calls and 16 photos, I find out it has a salvage title. I ran the VIN when I got home, and that's what I found out. So I'm kind of back to square one, but I still have the 91 Camaro as an option and possibly a 92 Toyota Celica with 56K on the motor as well.

I've posted photos of the Camaro here in the 95 Camaro folder. Check em out.

That is all.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Bye-Bye GTI

Some photos of the GTI after I stripped him of what I wanted (yes, I cried a little):

Driver side interior shot
Hatch (used to house my speaker box)
Yeah, you know I ripped off the filler cap

I'm getting that Camaro, because I rock. $400 and my laptop. Who's the best? I AM! Photos of the Camaro will be forthcoming tonight.

That is all.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Fucking Grange Insurance

Well, I'm getting fucked. The insurance company is giving me a whopping $800 for my GTI, which after you take my deductible, leaves me with $600 for a car. Where am I going to find a dependable car for $600? Nowhere, so I'm fucked. I have no way to get a job, no way to see Morgan, so I am fucked. I'm going to try and con the seller of the 95 Camaro into taking $600 for the car (yeah right) or I may see if he'll take my laptop (I paid $1000 for it) and some cash. Hey, it may work since he had the other Camaro (he has a 91 as well that he'll take $500 for now, but it needs some $150 valve and a battery) in the paper for $1500 or trade for a 4-wheeler. He needs to get rid of them because his wife is bitching at him.

I'm in such a pissy mood, you can't even begin to imagine.

That is all.

New Baby!

Shit, I can't believe I forgot to mention this. My nephew Eddie's (my brother Jeff's step-son) girlfriend had a baby boy on Sunday. This makes me a great-aunt. Good fuck, I'm old. Jeff's been married to Eddie's Mom forever, so Eddie is like a "real" nephew. Again, I'm old.

That is all.


Not much in the mood to blog today; I slept all fucking day, pretty much. Got up at about a quarter of 2 this afternoon, stayed up until 4:30 then I laid down and napped until 8:15. I am a bum. For whatever reason, I've been sooooooo tired these last couple weeks. Tomorrow's going to be busy as I have to clean out the GTI at Don's, take the title to the insurance guy, pick Morgan up after 5 then look at a 95 Camaro that I'm going to buy. Well, I'm going to buy as long as the car starts, drives and is still available. If not then I'm going to buy the 91 Camaro that Morgan and I looked at Sunday night. Either way, my VW loving-ass is buying a Camaro.

Might be moving to Lakewood soon, we'll see what happens.

Heehee, I'm going to apply the same place Morgan works as they needed 2 more people, and have only hired one more person. I looooove doing car detailing, so it's right up my alley. Plus, it would be much easier if both of us worked at the same place, especially until he gets a car to drive every day. I could only hope we'd work the same shifts, but then I could work the earlier shifts too as they don't open until 9AM during the week. Any hours are better than no hours, though, and I need to get a damn job! Plus, I'd have benefits with only working 30 hours a week, so that would rock too.

I'm finally doing laundry; I've been such a slacker as of late with my laundry.

That is all.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Be Here By 6:30 My Ass~Abridged

Well, I feel like an ass. Suffice to say, he did go to work today and he did get here in time to see the 91 Camaro. It needs some body work, paint mostly, but it is in really good mechanical condition. And it sounds really, really good too.

Morgan says moo.

That is all.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Sir, Your Car Is Flashing

Well, I think I've found my car. A 1991 Camaro RS w/a V6 engine. The insurance is only $65 a month. If I add Morgan to the policy, just as a driver, the insurance goes up to $95 a month. If he's on the policy by himself with that car it goes to $1400 a half! Sucks to be him, I guess. The funny thing is he's never had any accidents or any other types of infractions, but I guess since he's only 22 and didn't get his license until he was 18, it makes a huge difference. It's going to suck when we live together; my insurance is going to be soooooooo high! But I guess living with the Morgan is worth high car insurance. Imagine what it'll be like with a 91 RS and an 89 Iroc on the same policy. Nice!
Anyway, the car I found sounds pretty good. Only 92K miles, black, auto, new fuel injector system and supposedly a bunch of other new parts as well (I asked to see receipts). The seller said it needs a paint job, but it runs well so that's really all that matters to me. As long as the body's not all rusted through, it sounds like a decent deal. The lady would like to get $1500 for it, but I'm sure if I waved $1300 cash at her, she'd take it. Morgan and I are going to check it out after he gets off work tomorrow (Sunday). He took the Malibu home tonight as I figured that was smarter than me wasting a 67 mile trip (each way) to run him home, then turn right around and come back here. I'm so smart. LOL

I looked at a 97 Nissan 200SX, but it's not really something I dig on. It was black, with a sunroof, and only $1200 so I guess if the Camaro is really bad I can always look at it a little better. It's not that it was ugly, just the one I looked at was dinged up here and there. I'm sure with a wash and wax it could have been much prettier, though. I also found an 80 BMW 733i for $1400. Go ahead and laugh, but that car was really, really nice. I dunno how expensive a Nissan or Bimmer would be to repair, though, so I'm afraid to venture into that unknown territory. At least I know how much VW's cost to repair, and Morgan could work on my Camaro for me if it broke down. He also said he'll do the oil changes for me, so that's cool.

Well I've waited up as late as I can; Morgan's not home yet, but I must go to bed. I'm fucking beat, so I'm going to bed. Please forgive any spelling errors as I'm really, really tired.

That is all.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Don't Do That Again

Yeah, Morgan seemed to enjoy his first day at work. The first thing he got to drive was a brand new, just off the delivery truck Chevy SSR. He claims they're pretty OK; not something he'd buy as it's not his style, but he now at least has some respect for the damned thing. I still don't dig on them, so I guess I'll have to wait until I get to drive one for myself. The best part of his day, though, was smacking the bed of a brand new Silverado (around $40K's worth) into a cement pole thing. Yeah, one of the guys saw Morgan hit the pole, and his comment was "don't do that again" and "you're not driving any of the big trucks anymore". I'm glad he found a job that he'll seem to enjoy, even if his hours do kind of suck this month. I guess his schedule will change next month, and hopefully for the better. He works 5 hours on Thursday, 8 hours on Friday and Saturday, 6 hours on Sunday and 5 hours on Monday, for a total of 32 hours a week. He's off Tuesday and Wednesday. Oh well, he has benefits and all that good stuff, so that outweighs the crappy schedule, I guess. And he seems to like the job, so that's really all that matters. Now, if only I could find a job, we'd be in business. LOL

In more car news, Morgan and I were returning to his house after going to Rally's tonight (around 1AM), and we pulled up next to a newer Honda of some sort. Well, the guy drove away with his tail between his legs after Morgan BEAT HIS ASS in the Malibu. I was amused.

I guess I'll go look at cars tomorrow since I won't be going to Strongsville this weekend. There's a 96 Sunfire I want to check out, and a couple other cars as well. Yes, I'm still looking for a VW first, but there seems to be a damned shortage of the things right now. I did find a 95 Jetta that sounds promising ($1500 w/only 94K), but I need to find out which auto tranny it has before I get too excited. The fact that the car is also 2.5 hours away puts a damper on things too, but if the car has the correct auto tranny, it's totally worth the trip. I plan on making a checklist of features the car must have, and a checklist of shit to go over prior to taking the car to Don's to have him look it over (this goes for local cars obviously). Hopefully if I find something this weekend, I can get the person to hold the car for me until Tuesday, at the latest, for $100. I think $100 should let them know I'm serious about buying the car, and if I'm not, they'll make $100 for doing nothing. Either way they win, so I'm pretty sure they'll be agreeable to holding it for me.

I should probably go to bed since I have to get over to Don's before noon to clean out the GTI. Hopefully I'll still wake up at 10AM since it's almost 6AM now. Blargh.

I need a job.

That is all.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Death Is Confirmed

Well the GTI is being totaled. Don called this morning to let me know the damage; $2070 total. That's $900-something for parts, and the rest is labor. Below is a list of everything I broke.
-Smashed the oil pan/jacked up the pickup thingie
-Bent the front crossmember/killed the bearings
-Bent the inside of two of my rims
-Smashed my catalytic converter and both mufflers requiring a brand new exhast from the manifold back
The insurance adjuster guy is going out on Monday to confirm the damage, then they'll issue me a check on the spot, so I'm in the market for a newer car. So far I've found a couple early 90's Jettas, one 95 Jetta, a 91 Sunbird convertible, and a 96 Sunfire. I also found an 81 Malibu that's all pimped out, LOL. Hopefully the Morgan doesn't have to work this weekend so he and I can go find me a car.

I hope Morgan's first day of work was OK. I'm sure he'll enjoy his new job, and I hope he doesn't have a crappy schedule.

Sky on the way to Morgan's on Wednesday.
Another sky photo. Don't you love how I take pictures while driving on the highway? LOL

Morgan and Abe sleeping. That's how I left Morgan and Abe last night, aren't they cute?

That is all.