Thursday, October 31, 2002


I love Halloween! It sucks this year though, as there are no good movies on TV! Oh well, I have things to do other than watch TV anyway.

I'm going to take pictures of my Docs tonight, save them to floppy disks and upload them tomorrow at work. I need to download an FTP program, and I'll need to delete all of the previous images. If you check out my page and there's nothing there, that's why.

OK, I'm off to make some tea. Byeeeeee!

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Wednesday October 30, 2002

I just have to comment. The DKNY boot moron emailed me. I saw she had sold the boots I sent her, and she didn't even have the common courtesy to email me and let me know she wouldn't be returning them. I emailed her to tell her as much, and she replied with one of her run-on illiterate emails. Some people should be banned from the Internet, and she's one of them!

OK, now I'm going to bed! Nighty!

Wednesday October 30, 2002

Just got back from the bank. I love it when there's more money in my checking account than I think there is! My math skills are very poor, and I also have a bad habit of deducting transactions from my checking account that were paid for out of my PayPal account. It's always nice to have more money than you think! I opened up my center console thing this evening and found a ten spot! Woohoo!

Tomorrow is Halloween, woohoo! I love Halloween. Hopefully there will be good movies on all day long. I would have Halloween 1-4 if Kieth hadn't "borrowed" them over 6 months ago. Grrrrrr, I'm sure I'll never get them back.

I won three more DM items today, two being shoes. I love eBay!

I think I'll watch some TV then go to bed. Nighty!

Wednesday October 30, 2002

Sorry about not posting anything yesterday. I was being lazy and didn't want to mess with my crappy home computer. I guess I should have the damn thing repaired before the warranty runs out.

I'm at work printing out UPS labels. Sounds like fun, yes?

I won a ton of stuff on eBay, I guess I should send the payments. I love PayPal!

That's all for now! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Monday, October 28, 2002

Monday October 28, 2002

Whee, I love the time change! I woke up and was actually rested! Thankfully I didn't wake up at 6:30, that would have really pissed me off! I'm at work now, and I just had to file 3 non-paying bidder alerts. The total due is $11.74! Come on now people! Pay for your items!

I think I'll go across the street and weigh the MGA tranny.


Sunday, October 27, 2002

Sunday October 27, 2002

I didn't see Jackass last night. The line for tickets was halfway into the parking lot for the 7:15 and 10:10 showings. I think I'll go on Tuesday afternoon; no one should be there!

I didn't do laundry today, but I did prepare my laundry. Is that good enough?

I messed around with my Lawn Bunny page; I fixed all of the images, and messed with the layout. I also added a cool .gif image at the top. Check it out!

I think that's all. Nothing happened today; I woke up at 11AM, took a nap from 3PM-5PM and got the paper. I do have to hit the bank sometime tonight, and I'm going to watch the Poltergeist thing on E! at 8PM. Then I'll watch the Sopranos and go to bed.


Saturday, October 26, 2002

Saturday October 26, 2002

Sorry I didn't update this yesterday; I left work at 11AM and came home to sleep. Sinus infections suck! I feel better today, so tonight I'll see Jackass the Movie! Woohoo, Pontius!

I think I'll break down and do laundry tomorrow. It probably will be easier that way, than to wait two months to go. We'll see if I'm feeling lazy or not in the morning.

The Classic Metal Show Night Out is tonight; but as someone (Wolfie!) has to work tonight, I'm not going. He owes me big time for this one!

That's all for now, byeeeeeee!

Boom Boom Satellites

Thursday, October 24, 2002

Thursday October 24, 2002

Whee, I received my Coach hat and gloves today. Just in time too, as it's supposed to snow this weekend. I hate snow! The gloves and hat are so cute, and comfy. The gloves are too big, but I'm used to that. Having small hands really sucks sometimes! A bunch of sellers received my payments today, I send payments via UPS Next Day Air, and I just paid for two more items via PayPal. Will I receive timely feedback for my good eBay behaviour? Of course not!

I will spend most of tomorrow changing my lawnbunny webpage images. Check it out later in the afternoon, it'll be cute!

Jackass the Movie comes out tomorrow! I must see it! Woohoo!

That's all; nothing exciting happened today. I cleaned the apartment and chased Fluffy with his brush. Fun times, let me tell ya!


Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Wednesday October 23, 2002

Yeah, I know. No update for almost a week. Cut me some slack, I've been in bed since Friday. Trying to type while puking ones' guts out is not an easy thing to do. But, I'm OK now so I'll continue updating daily.

Nothing is really going on. I'm going to the Lords of Acid concert the first week of November, and I plan on seeing Jackass the Movie on Friday. I've won a bunch of crap on eBay, and the items should start pouring in this weekend. LOL

I'm going to work on my LawnBunny page. Byeeeeeeeeeee!

Thursday, October 17, 2002

Thursday October 17, 2002

I'm going crazy with picture insertion! I'm going to work on my webpage all day tomorrow at work; it will be hella cool really soon!

Yes, that picture to the left does say Pimp Oil. Isn't it cool?

I haven't done anything today, but I'm going to clean the apartment and pay bills pretty soon. A wonderful Thursday afternoon activity!

That's it for now! Byeeeeee!

Depeche Mode "82-92 The Hits" (Both Discs)

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Wednesday October 16, 2002

Woohoo! I finally learned the HTML for picture insertion! I'm starting on my Lawn Bunny page tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to upload the pics to the server by Friday. I haven't figured out how to change the layout, but at least the pictures are there!

I'm at work; I've done nothing all day. I harrassed Denny, and ate candy. Life is good.


Savatage "Strange Wings"
Metallica "Outlaw Torn"
LA Guns "Turn It Around"

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Tuesday October 15, 2002

I had a ton of things to do today and, amazingly, I completed everything! I had three Dr. appointments today, but no jabbing like yesterday! I was at the girl doctor for 2 hours today; wasn't that fun? Everything was pretty unevenful, just a lot of sitting around.

I received five items today, including the black and red 3 eye steel toes. They are ultra-cute and will quickly become my favorite pair of Docs! I've been trying to add them to my webpage, but AOL is being evil as usual.

Other than that, nothing exciting happened today.

Back to work tomorrow, horray!

Metallica "S & M" (Disc 1)

Monday, October 14, 2002

October 14, 2002

Yeah, I know I'm slacking. I just haven't felt like sitting down and writing, so now I have to sit here and write a ton!

Lets see, I've been off work since Friday. I went shopping this weekend and picked up a cool 2003 calendar, and another CD holder for my car. I need to buy some large CD towers for my room; the three I have are full. I try to make it to CD Warehouse every other week to buy some tunes, but I've been slacking lately with my quest for Docs. I'll go this weekend for sure!

I finally did laundry yesterday; I used 2 large washers and 4 smaller washers. It took me $18 to do laundry; I hate not having a washer/dryer in the apartment! I've decided that I will do laundry every Sunday whether I want to or not! I could have made it another 2 weeks or so, but imagine the clothes I would have had to do!

An interesting thing did happen on Thursday evening. I was puttering around on the Net when I received an email from an eBay user. This woman asked if I would end my eBay auction early as she would be on vacation and unable to bid. I thought she was referring to my DKNY Boot auction as she didn't include any auction number or description. She was offering $20 plus shipping. Seeing how I had the DKNY boots up for $10 Buy It Now, this was a good thing! I thought she was a new bidder who couldn't use Buy It Now (new eBay rule, I guess). So I happily emailed her back and told her sure I'd end the auction for $20 plus $5 UPS shipping. She emailed me in return and requested a PayPal invoice. I sent her the invoice with "DKNY Boots-eBay" in the email subject. She paid the invoice, I emailed her a confirmation and then got offline to package some items and go to bed. The next morning I got up early for work, and I gave the boots to the UPS man who was dropping off my black and white 20 eyes. I then get to work, screw around for about a half hour and decide to check my mail. There are at least THIRTEEN EMAILS from this woman. It turns out she clicked on my ID when she really wanted to click on the seller's ID of the silver hologram Docs I was bidding on. She claims she reported me to eBay, PayPal, Visa and MSN (what the hell are they giong to do?). I have yet to hear from any of those people, but that's irrelevant. This woman claims I stole her money, etc etc. She is completely unhinged and needs a good smacking. She was trying to bully me, in broken English nonetheless, but suddenly stopped emailing me when I made it perfectly clear that this was HER fault. She should have received the DKNY boots today; strangely I heard nothing from her. I am beginning to really hate new eBay bidders. Learn the rules!!!

I went to the arthritis doctor today and of course I was jabbed. So, feeling sorry for myself, I bought a pair of Docs. They are salmon colored slides, UK7 but very cute. I also stopped by Mr. Hydes and they let me see the Spring 2003 catalog. There are some VERY cute styles, and the prices are ultra-low ($60 for the sandals!). The kind folks there are finding out the exact dimensions for a pair I must have, then they'll place the order now so I will be one of the first people to have them! Woohoo!

I have CT Scans on my adrenals tomorrow, along with X-Rays of my spine, knees and joints. Sounds like fun, yes?

What else...I crawled out of bed around 10:30AM, went to the Dr. and various other places, then came home and napped from 5-9:30PM. That seems to be the only time when the landlord's kids will shut up long enough for me to sleep. I'm going to go batty this winter when I can't escape the sound of brats!

Less than two weeks to the Classic Metal Show Night Out with Wolfie! Woohoo, it will be much fun! I'll also get to see The Jimmy; I haven't seen him in ages. It shall rock out!

I'm lowering the price on my Marc Jacobs jeans. You wouldn't believe the stupid assed questions I get about these jeans. I'm selling them for over $100 off the retail price, and one guy is bitching because the jeans he's interested in only has 7" leg openings, and he wants 8" openings! If you're going to bitch that much go to Nordies and spend the $140 on the jeans. Otherwise, shut up and stop wasting my time!

I'm trying to update my homepage but I keep getting error messages. I can't wait until I learn enough HTML to make my Lawn Bunny page!

OK, I think I'm done. I promise to update this everyday from now on.


LA Guns "Man In The Moon" (Entire CD)

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

October 9, 2002

Oh yeah, I almost forgot...My landlord's a crackhead!


October 9, 2002

The B&W 20 eye seller emailed me; she's shipping the boots first thing tomorrow morning as she got home late tonight and couldn't make it to UPS by 7PM. Woohoo, I'll have them Friday when I get home from work! A good seller, finally!

I'm off to bed, nighty!

Faith No More "King For A Day/Fool For A Lifetime" (Entire CD)

October 9, 2002

I received the rest of my Burt's Bees stuff today. Now if my 10 other items would show up I'd be blissfully happy. I see the B&W 20 eye seller didn't ship my item today like I asked. A couple other sellers claim they shipped my items already; if so where are they? I paid over the Priority Mail cost yet no items are here. I really hate crappy eBay sellers!

I had a joyous time hanging stuff in my room. Now I have easy access to all of my necklaces, and they don't get all tangled up!

Rog failed to call me again last night. I should hear from him tomorrow. One more strike and he's out! I've known Rog for 10 years and he's never been punctual; he's usually about 2 days off all the time!

I sincerely hope I have something to do tomorrow at work. I'm only working until 1, though as I need to get my car plates/title taken care of. I have a sneaking suspicion that the guy I talked to at the BMV was wrong and it's going to be much more difficult that he claimed to get the car transferred into my name. I better be able to get my TYP O NEG plates dammit!

Fluffy is on crack.

My computer decided to stop printing, lovely. Once again, I love Protek computers (my Mom and her bright ideas)! I wish my laptop would hold a charge; I'd hook it up to my cell phone and use it for the Net. Speaking of cell phones, my phone just rang half a ring and stopped. The caller ID came up as private; wonder who it was at 9:30PM? They better leave me a voicemail!
OK, they didn't. Asshole!

I'm off to find trouble, byeeeeeee!

Queensryche "Rage For Order" (Entire CD)

October 9, 2002

I'm so lazy. I didn't get to work until 11AM, and I haven't done a damn thing all day. I did buy some more crap on eBay, but that's it.

I have absolutely nothing to say.

Monday, October 07, 2002

October 7, 2002

Woohoo, all of my eBay items are paid for! Now I just have to sit back and wait for them to roll in! I received 4 packages today; some of the Burt's Bees stuff I won, the CD visor for my car, my Marc Jacobs jacket and the Portable Henry Rollins (a book). I will have a bounty of Docs by this weekend! I repeat, woohoo!

I guess I'm going to work at my regular time tomorrow. I have to pick the biddy up from the hospital at 7AM, so I may as well come home, get ready and go to work at the regular time. That way I'll leave around 1 instead of staying until 5. I don't know why I'm working all week; it's not like I can handle anything non-eBay related that may come up. Shit, I can't even handle eBay stuff! That's it, I'm not working Thursday!

OK, I guess I'll go to bed. Nighty Nighty!

Metallica "Outlaw Torn"

October 7, 2002

There's some funky stuff going on with Blogger today; please check back if things appear to be strange!

October 7, 2002

I just downloaded AOL onto my work computer. I've said it once and I'll say it again; I LOVE MY WORK COMPUTER! I need to get a brand new Dell for home!

I bought three more pairs of Docs today on eBay; they are all paid for too, so I better get them by this weekend or I'll be hella pissed!

Less than 24 hours until I'm boss free for 6 days! Woohoo!

I better have packages at home when I get there!

Depeche Mode "82-92 Greatest Hits"

Just so you know, the time indicator is finally correct!

October 6, 2002

OK, so I'm slacking a little bit. I didn't get home until 5AM last night and I really didn't have time yesterday to post anything. Anyway, I went shopping yesterday a little too much! I did get a new Care Bear, and some cool Hot Wheels for my desk at work. I also scored the blue/green ruboff Docs I've been lusting over, woohoo me!

I also bought a cute new purse by Joe Boxer and some laundry bags. I get to do laundry tomorrow after work, won't that be fun? Hopefully Rog will call tomorrow night as he didn't call tonight like he was supposed to. Most likely he's passed out somewhere, so that's OK.

I'm working 5 days this week as the boys are going to Hershey on Tuesday. I'm not working 9-5 all five days though, probably noon to five on Tuesday and Thursday. I will be posting a lot of stuff as I can only go to UPS so many times a day! Maybe I'll have enough time to figure out how to post pictures that will show up on all computers and not just mine!

The landlord finally figured out that I don't like her, or her husband. Princess Perception whom she is, it only took her 3 months! Sorry, but I have no respect for someone who blatantly lies about things just so she can get someone to move into her rental property. Add to that the fact that she allows her husband to knock her around and I'm just totally unable to like her at all. Her kids are brats too, and she doesn't seem too smart. All very big strikes against her ability to be on my "likeable person" list. I simply can't stand stupidity or people without common sense. I offer no apologies for it; if you don't like it too bad.

My tomato soup is done; time to eat!

Metal Church "Hanging In The Balance"
Paradise Lost "Draconian Times" (Entire Albums)

Thursday, October 03, 2002

October 3, 2002

Yeah, I'm slacking. I didn't work today and my computer is such a piece of shit, I hate to do anything at home anymore. The computers, and Internet connection, at work has me spoiled. Anyway, I didn't do much of anything today. I took the heart monitor back to the doctor, and then I stopped at the Lake Cable Fisher's for some Kraft Green Box spaghetti. Woohoo!
I talked to Rog today as well; I guess we're going out Sunday or something. That should be lots of fun because Rog is a fun guy!

I won a really cute DM shirt on eBay today. Here the link
. Go check it out!

Smits is on, gotta go!

Metallica "S&M" (Both discs)

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

October 2, 2002

I received my green Dr. Martens boots today! They are soooooo cute, I think they are my new favorite pair. I'll try to post a picture soon, and I'll link it from here.

I'm returning the fabric rose boots for an even exchange of "Brontollu" boots. Hopefully everything goes well as I've had bad luck with returning stuff before having my money refunded. I'm hoping this works out better as the seller's "number one priority is customer satisfaction." (I love putting that in there.) Of course I'll keep everyone updated on the return/exchange status!

I think I'll go watch TV or something. No one has bought any MJ jeans for a few days, so I have nothing to package.

October 2, 2002

I drove the big red truck today! It was actually pretty fun being higher than everyone else. I did feel like a flaming lesbian though. Oh well, it was fun and I didn't hit anything!

I haven't really done anything today at work; I did pay for some eBay items and I won a really cool Marc Jacobs jacket to go with my really cool Marc Jacobs jeans!

Bob and Gary are going to Hershey next week so I'll be here all by myself. I'm working Monday-Friday next week, so I'm sure I'll be posting plenty of stuff on here!

I'm off for now, byeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Metallica "S&M" (Both Discs)

October 1, 2002

OK, OK so my first post for October 1 is actually on the 2nd. Whatever.
Today was a decent day, I guess. I just finished watching the NYPD Blue episode where Smits goes into the hospital. Two or three more episodes and they croak him. I've never seen that episode, and I'm sure I'll cry when I do. I cry at the dumbest stuff!

I went into work to day for a few hours and found out that the museum owner took my Tom away from me. Now I'm supposed to wrap a 300 pound Jaguar front suspension by myself, and then take it to Greyhound by myself. Riiiiiiiiight. Oh sure, the owner said I could have him help me, or some other guy I've never even been introduced to. Are they going to help me when I need it, or when it's convenient for them? On a more positive note, the owner did say that I do a very good job and that he's happy with me. Damn right! I spend enough time on eBay, I should know what I'm doing by now!

I got my rose boots today and they are too damn small! They are a UK3 which usually fit me fine, but these most definitely do not fit. The seller claims in their auction terms that their "number one priority is customer satisfaction." Lets see how true that really is! The seller listed the size as 5, so I thought that meant the size on the boot. That would have made them a UK5 or a US7 which would have more than been big enough. Hopefully I can return them, but I really wanted the damn boots!
On a better note, I also received my DM duffle bag today. The seller, shoozdrew auctions
included a ton of awesome extras! My favorite is the DM radio. It's no larger than a 50 cent piece, but it actually picks up about 10 good stations! Now I don't have to buy a $150 Nike arm radio. Rock out! Go to shoozdrew's auctions; it's linked above!

I once again impressed Wolfie with my Internet prowess. He had been looking for a Great White CD and couldn't find it. I bought it for him yesterday because I rock out. You are quite welcome, Wolfie. I expect a hug the next time we go out.

It's bedtime for me! Nighty Night!

Metallica "Outlaw Torn"
LA Guns "Turn It Around"
Van Halen "1984" (Entire CD)