Wednesday October 30, 2002
Just got back from the bank. I love it when there's more money in my checking account than I think there is! My math skills are very poor, and I also have a bad habit of deducting transactions from my checking account that were paid for out of my PayPal account. It's always nice to have more money than you think! I opened up my center console thing this evening and found a ten spot! Woohoo!
Tomorrow is Halloween, woohoo! I love Halloween. Hopefully there will be good movies on all day long. I would have Halloween 1-4 if Kieth hadn't "borrowed" them over 6 months ago. Grrrrrr, I'm sure I'll never get them back.
I won three more DM items today, two being shoes. I love eBay!
I think I'll watch some TV then go to bed. Nighty!