I figured it was about time for a new post. So here it is...
The surgery went well. No major complications, and I was home by 3PM Thursday. I'm going back to work tomorrow, after a failed attempt at working yesterday. I went in, but came right home without clocking in. It was too early for me to go back, and I was still in a lot of pain even with pain meds. So I stayed home, and in bed, today. Quite nice, and it must have been just what I needed. I've not taken any pain meds today, and can walk upright just like the rest of the human race. Some of my steristrips came off today, and I'm not going to have many, if any, scars from this surgery. Woo me! Photos are below:
3 Days After Surgery:
Belly Button
Tummy 1
Tummy 2
Today, 6 Days After Surgery:
Incision above belly button
Belly Button
Incisions over liver
Incision below liver
In all, I have 5 incisions. The belly button one is the main incision, being about 1 and a quarter inches long, and I think it'll be the only one that may scar. The others are very small, and are mostly bruised and nothing else. Another week and you won't even be able to tell I had surgery.
Morgan and I were supposed to go to Fallingwater this weekend, but I'm not up for that kind of a roadtrip yet. Two surgeries in less than 3 months really put the screws to me, especially since I didn't have a chance to recover from one before having another. I was back to work 3.5 weeks after I had the baby, and today is the first day I've not had to leave the house since my gallbladder surgery.
Woo, we're moving in less than a month. I can't wait. Here are some videos of our new townhouse, taken the day after I had gallbladder surgery. See what I mean? No chance to recover from anything...
(Right click, save as)
Enjoy my commentary:
Make sure to watch them in order, or they won't make sense.
Over 1400 80's videos!! (Thanks, Mikey.)
My new work schedule begins Monday. While it will be nice not having to be at work until 1PM, it means I'm probably going to miss Bauhaus on Tuesday. I'll be able to make it to the concert, but I'll more than likely not arrive until after Bauhaus has played which really sucks. Yeah, seeing NIN will be cool, but I was ultra-excited about seeing Bauhaus. Oh well, I get off at 9:30PM, and doors are at 7PM. Hopefully, with the one opening act and the time in between set changes, I will get to see at least one Bauhaus song. Besides, we have lawn tickets, so it's not like I'll actually "see" anything. Now if we can figure out some way for the three of them (Barb, Kanon and Morgan) to find me when I arrive...
I need to clean Mr. Fish's bowl, but I don't have the energy.
Guess I'll go to bed. Morgan's been asleep since before 7PM and there's nothing to do anyway.
That is all.