Yes, it's another rant about how I hate stupid people. I purchased something off eBay on September 22nd. I paid for it on the 25th via PayPal. The seller finally shipped the item on the 28th, via the slowest freaking method possible (DHL.) From the date of payment, it's going to take me 10 days to receive the item. Her excuse for using DHL instead of Priority Mail as stated in the auction? She thought DHL was more secure. Bullshit, she knew I was going to pitch a fit to the post office because she charged $18 for shipping. On top of the shipping charge ass-raping, she charged 8.25% tax. First of all, the item was less than $7 to ship, and my sales tax is 6%. She's another one of those shitty eBay sellers who pad their profits with insane shipping fees and taxes. Cunt. Her emails are all one sentance, with no punctuation and random capital letters thrown in for good measure. Plus, she uses IM/chat language in emails (ie: "b4" instead of "before", "ur" instead of "you are," etc.) She also can't comprehend the English language. The whole deal makes me want to scream, and just thinking about it gives me a headache. Hopefully the item will arrive in one piece on Thursday, and will be as described. I paid $23.24 in shipping and taxes, which is almost as much as the item itself. And the seller's a twat. How lovely.
I've had a headache since Saturday. I think it's because of the weather, all rainy and cold, but I'm not sure. Additionally, my cold sore came back. The first one cleared up and now I'm getting another one. Fucking fabulous.
This weekend I'm going to a haunted house if I have to go by myself. I love Halloween, so fuck this shit of staying home all season and doing absolutely nothing Halloweeny. Yes, I said "Halloweeny."
I'm in a foul mood. I'll be even pissier (not even a word, don't even care) tomorrow when I have to get up at 10AM to drive 20 miles to my Mom's in order to wash two loads of laundry. Then I'll get to drive all the way back here and get ready for school.
I'm going to try sleeping again.
That is all.