Monday, September 30, 2002

September 30, 2002

Heehee, JD Byrider called here AGAIN wanting to talk to Kieth. He should be calling soon wanting money and I'm sure my Mom'll give it to him because he can't not have a car. What the hell they do with their money I have no idea, but it becomes my business when my Mom starts hitting me up for cash because she's giving all of her money to Kieth.

On to other things...I came home from work today and flopped on the couch around 8:30. I woke up at 9:30; dammit I missed Smits tonight! I always sleep through Smits. Grrrrrrrrrr...

I have done absolutely nothing worthy of writing about; quite the exciting day, yes?

September 30, 2002

OK, so today doesn't start off the best. I woke up at 9:30A, and am supposed to be at work by 9A. Thank you Wolfie for keeping me up until 5:30AM! I appreciate it so much!

This place needs to pay me more or I'm going to have to find another job. I love this job, but it's just not cutting it in the money department. Maybe if my Mom would stop "loaning" Kieth money ($2000 in the last couple months) I wouldn't have to help her pay for stuff. Wait, I work more hours a week than she does, but make half as much. Throw in me cleaning the apartment and that sounds about fair, doesn't it? I don't think so. Perhaps I'll get a different job and move out; wouldn't that be nice?

I'm now so pissed off I can't even type. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

September 30, 2002 Early Morning

Argh, why can't I sleep? It's now a quarter of 4 in the AM and I have to be up at 7:30 to prepare for a challenging day of work. This does not look good...

OK, I can't think of anything to type....Maybe I'll try sleeping again...

Sunday, September 29, 2002

September 29, 2002

I know, I'm late getting going on this today. It's Sunday, cut me some slack! I just got an IM from some guy wanting my A/S/L. OK, first of all my profile clearly states to leave me alone. Secondly, all of that "important info" is in my profile. Jesus, people are becoming more and more stupid everyday. Pretty soon I'll have to block all IM's just to get anything done on the Net. I do enjoy telling them off though, it keeps me sharp in an otherwise dull world!

I just won a cute DM thing on eBay. It's a mishmash of "school supplies" such as pens, pencils and eraser...It'll look cute on my desk at work. My Targa is up to over $15,000. Here's the link in case you want to see what I'm babbling about...This beauty is lurking in front of my office just begging me to drive him.

I really should do laundry but I don't want to! Tuesday seems like a good laundry day to me, what's everyone else's opinion?

My cat is a retard, but I love him anyway.

Bleh. Today has been a decent day, but I still kinda feel bleh-ish. Once again, bleh.

Metallica "S&M Disc 2"
Van Halen "1984"
LA Guns "Turn It Around"
Faith No More "Fool For A Day/King For A Lifetime"

Saturday, September 28, 2002

September 28, 2002

Alas, I didn't win the face Docs on eBay. That's OK though, there's another pair up in 5 days that I'm going to bid on as well.

I stopped at the Record Exchange tonight and picked up some good deals. I got John Carpenter's Vampires, Dirty Harry, Van Halen's 1984, Journey's Evolution and 3 Doors Down's debut CD for $10! I rock! The videos are in VHS format but that's OK!

OK, it's on to Rally's because you gotta eat! LOL

September 28, 2002

Ahhhhh, I did indeed sleep until noon. Noon exactly! Since it's only 25 after now, not much has happened yet! Steph did send me the link to a cool pair of Docs on eBay; thanks Steph! I'll let everyone know if I win!

Gabe's had some cute red Docs last night, but they looked kind of tore up. They were only $30 but I don't want tore up Docs!

LA Guns "Turn It Around"
Dream Theater
Type O Negative
Lords of Acid
Clutch "Spacegrass"

Friday, September 27, 2002

September 27, 2002

Wheeeeeeee! I went shopping today and didn't really buy myself anything! I got all of the jeans for my eBay bidders and that's about it. I didn't score any cute Docs, but I did buy some Burt's Bees stuff, and a 6 dollar bottle of water! Woohoo! Actually I was using a gift certificate I got for my birthday so it was OK.

I did buy myself a new brush. It wasn't a treat; I think I left my brush in Wolfie's car. Give it back, punk!

Nothing else is going on. It was a pretty smooth day; a relief from the craziness I've been putting up with lately! I hit Rally's and got the 2 honey grilled chicken samiches for $3, plus a large fry. I have food left over for lunch tomorrow as I plan on sleeping in until at least noon tomorrow!

My horoscope said I was supposed to have a "10" day today, and I guess it's been pretty close.

OK, I think I'm done rambling!

September 27, 2002

Holy Cow! I got to take the Targa to UPS and the USPS today! Woohoo! I loved every second of it, too!

I'm too excited to even write anything else!

Thursday, September 26, 2002

I go cruising into work today, and what's lurking in front of my office? A 911 Targa! In silver! Maybe it's my belated birthday present. OK, maybe I'm on drugs! I didn't get a chance to talk with Bob, he was on the phone as usual, but I'll give him the third degree tomorrow.

The new haunted house on Market opens today. Too bad it's raining and yucky or I'd go. Wait, I have no one to go with, damn! That's one thing I will never do; go to a haunted house by myself. Half of the fun is scaring each other! I believe the haunted schoolhouse and laboratory opens this weekend as well. Anyone want to go with me?

I think I'll take a nap.

Depeche Mode "82-92 Greatest Hits"
Iced Earth "I Died For You"
Metallica "Sanitarium"

Woohoo, two more people just emailed me about the Marc Jacobs jeans I have online! Woohoo again! Hopefully they'll buy a pair as that would really help me out financially. I always overspend, but this time it wasn't my fault! I calculated my pay wrong and wound up being 16 hours short! Math is not my friend.

I think I'll go into work today for an hour or so. I have to figure out this trunk situation for the bidder, and I like the work computer better anyway! That reminds me, I saw an ad in yesterday's paper for a really cool sounding job. I'm going to call about it!


Wednesday, September 25, 2002

I just got an email from the nicest guy! He's a bidder from work and I accidentally emailed him from my personal eBay account. Anyway, I shipped a metal trunk to him at the end of August and he didn't realize it had shipped. It's been sitting at the Greyhound terminal in San Diego since the 3rd of September and Greyhound just decided to notify me on the 20th of this month. So now they're threatening to ship it to the salvage yard in Texas if this poor guy doesn't run out there immediately and pick it up. Goodness, you finally find a good bidder then this happens! Don't get me wrong; I've run into a lot of nice people (Steph!) on eBay, but when you get a bad one they're really bad! Ugh, thanks to all of the nice bidders, and sellers, on eBay!

Oh yeah, I forgot Savatage!

LA Guns
Dream Theater
Depeche Mode
Type O Negative

The white to blue sandals are awesome! I emailed the rose boot seller today; they sent a form email stating that payment was received and that the boots will be shipped within 48 hours. So that means for my instant payment, I will receive the boots 7-9 afterwards? That's supposed to be good turnaround? I am soooooo tired of eBay; that's why I'm not bidding on anything else.

Apparently the images I inserted today at work are only viewable on my work computer? I deleted them from my blog for now; at least until I upgrade to Blogger Pro and obtain simple image insertion! Maybe if Wolfie would help me figure out HTML I wouldn't have to wait! (hint hint)

Just in case this matters, add 3 hours to the entry times on this page. I keep getting an error whenever I try to update my time settings; it's set for Pacific time and I'm Eastern.

I think I'll go to bed....Later

Ugh, I'm so tired of guys IM'ing me. WHAT DOES MY PROFILE SAY?

Woohoo! I just learned how to insert a picture into a webpage! After a week of trying I finally figured it out! Now if I could only learn to adjust the images! Oh well, one thing per week please!

Again, woohoo me!

September 25, 2002

Ugh, I am so tired of eBay. I got to work this morning a little before 9A. Tom and I went to McDonald's for breakfast and then to UPS to ship some eBay stuff for work, and to ship some eBay packages for my personal sales. I get back to the office and there's a couple emails from this guy saying he didn't receive his items. Then he emailed me a second time today saying he did, but one item was missing. Jesus, make up your mind! So I investigate further and realize that this guy has been nothing but a pain in the ass from the end of the auction. I sent his other item via UPS 2nd Day and I emailed him a notification, but I'm sure he'll continue saying he never received any email from me. Awfully funny there's 4 emails to him in my outbox; but I guess I'm still wrong!

I crawled out of bed this morning at 7:50A and knew today was going to be a pissy day; I haven't been disappointed.

I did receive my white to blue color change Docs sandals, though. I know this because I checked the FedEx tracking number and was pleasantly surprised to see they were delivered this morning; a day early! On the flipside, my rose Docs haven't shipped yet as the seller hasn't even created my label. Jesus, someone's going to get smacked. Then I email these people and no one ever replies. At least when I brain fart and forget to ship something I always reply to every inquiry.

I plan on leaving at 4:45P and going directly home to bed. Mom is working so I'll sack out on the couch, stick Fluffy in the laundry bag and snooze the afternoon away. I did laundry yesterday so I don't have to worry about having clothes to wear, and I also cleaned the apartment yesterday as well. I even hung up the new shower curtain; yes I was that bored.

Depeche Mode "82-92 Greatest Hits"
Metallica "Outlaw Torn"
MSG "Anytime"

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

OK, I was just called an addict in reference to Doc Martens. Thank you Mattycakes, yes I am!

Yet another slow seller. I paid for a DM jacket about a week ago and the seller just posted feedback today. I'm assuming the reason I haven't received it is because it hasn't shipped. Sheesh, is it just me? No, I know one more person who has this problem; wink wink Steph. Steph is my fellow DM addicted friend. She's CalypsoFlamingo on eBay. She rocks!


Whew, at least there are still honest nice people in the world. I just sold $81 worth of stuff on eBay today, and all of the buyers are awesome! Contacted immediately and paid immediately. That is what keeps me on eBay. I also sold a pair of those MJ jeans; the girl is so nice too! I wish she bought them via eBay so I could leave her nice feedback. I'm a very nice person unless you try to screw me over; then I'm a total bitch. Too bad.

I paid for my rose fabric Docs; lets see how long it takes them to arrive. They were my birthday present to myself; I want them now!

I did three loads of laundry; actually it was one big load crammed into the biggest washer at the laundromat. I was only there about an hour and home in plenty of time for my Smits fix.

Off to hang up my clothes and package the eBay sales.

September 24, 2002

Bummed around until 10:30 this morning. Then I had to get up and take the biddy to the cardiologist for a day full of tests. I missed my spine scan and endocrinologist appointments; I'm never going to feel better if I don't stop pissing around!

Per usual, I didn't get anything in the mail today. I did sell a pair of DM Chukka boots, though; that rocks. I had an inquiry about the Marc Jacobs jeans I have on eBay; hopefully I'll sell another pair of those too. I don't think $40 is too bad for a brand new pair of $140 jeans.

The landlords are still driving me crazy with their damn kids and the husband's temper tantrums. It'd be nice if I could get a full night sleep. Alas that's not going to happen until we move or a mysterious accident takes out the bottom half of the house. I have a special place in hell reserved just for me...

Yet again, people piss me off. Nothing new there...

I did receive a really cool DM poster yesterday; 3 weeks after I paid for it. Luckily it's cool and I only paid $13 for it. The 18 eye snakeskin Docs auction I was planning on winning was ended early. Why list something if you're not sure you want to sell it?
I did win a cool pair of rose pattern boots for $25, so that kinda makes up for it. The seller also agreed to ship via my UPS account so that saves me about $6 in shipping!

Metallica "Outlaw Torn"
Europe "The Final Countdown"
Dream Theater "Space Dye Vest"
Depeche Mode "Stripped"

Off to clean Fluffy's room, and I guess I should go to the laundromat as well.

The current mood of at

Monday, September 23, 2002

September 23, 2002

Today's my 23rd birthday; let me poop myself with excitment.

Got up this morning at 7:30A, quite early for me I must say. I actually made it to work by 9A which is a rarity. I guess it's a good thing I'm the only one who knows what's going on with eBay at the museum. Job security is good...

I have been to the Scheib no less than 3 times today, so far. How am I to properly do my job without someone to chauffeur me everywhere? They could let me buzz out in the Super Bird but I don't see that happening.

Trying to talk my boss into buying a Bugatti; I think it's working...

I should get another Dr. Martens jacket in the mail today, along with the white to blue color change sandals. I have a problem with DM collecting (over 200 pairs of shoes, lots more clothes, signs etc), if it bothers you I guess that's just too bad...

Current Playlist
Metallica "Outlaw Torn"
Depeche Mode "Little 15"
LA Guns "Turn It Around"

Bleh, nothing else is going on...

Allow me to rant...OK, when I purchase something on eBay and pay immediately via PayPal is it too much of me to expect shipping within 2 days of payment? Obviously so! I'm sick and tired of waiting 2 or 3 weeks for my items to arrive. Someday I'm going to stop eBaying all together....OK, maybe not! But still, it's freaking ridiculous! Bah, I hate people more everyday.

Lyrics Running Through My Mind
If I close my mind in fear please pry it open
If my face becomes sincere beware
If I start to come undone stitch me together
If you see me strut remind me of what left this outlaw torn