Whew, at least there are still honest nice people in the world. I just sold $81 worth of stuff on eBay today, and all of the buyers are awesome! Contacted immediately and paid immediately. That is what keeps me on eBay. I also sold a pair of those MJ jeans; the girl is so nice too! I wish she bought them via eBay so I could leave her nice feedback. I'm a very nice person unless you try to screw me over; then I'm a total bitch. Too bad.
I paid for my rose fabric Docs; lets see how long it takes them to arrive. They were my birthday present to myself; I want them now!
I did three loads of laundry; actually it was one big load crammed into the biggest washer at the laundromat. I was only there about an hour and home in plenty of time for my Smits fix.
Off to hang up my clothes and package the eBay sales.