Today's my 23rd birthday; let me poop myself with excitment.
Got up this morning at 7:30A, quite early for me I must say. I actually made it to work by 9A which is a rarity. I guess it's a good thing I'm the only one who knows what's going on with eBay at the museum. Job security is good...
I have been to the Scheib no less than 3 times today, so far. How am I to properly do my job without someone to chauffeur me everywhere? They could let me buzz out in the Super Bird but I don't see that happening.
Trying to talk my boss into buying a Bugatti; I think it's working...
I should get another Dr. Martens jacket in the mail today, along with the white to blue color change sandals. I have a problem with DM collecting (over 200 pairs of shoes, lots more clothes, signs etc), if it bothers you I guess that's just too bad...
Current Playlist
Metallica "Outlaw Torn"
Depeche Mode "Little 15"
LA Guns "Turn It Around"
Bleh, nothing else is going on...
Allow me to rant...OK, when I purchase something on eBay and pay immediately via PayPal is it too much of me to expect shipping within 2 days of payment? Obviously so! I'm sick and tired of waiting 2 or 3 weeks for my items to arrive. Someday I'm going to stop eBaying all together....OK, maybe not! But still, it's freaking ridiculous! Bah, I hate people more everyday.
Lyrics Running Through My Mind
If I close my mind in fear please pry it open
If my face becomes sincere beware
If I start to come undone stitch me together
If you see me strut remind me of what left this outlaw torn