Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Poop, Blah

Went to Barb and Kanan's house the 17th; Morgan and Kanan didn't sell shit at the flea market. They're trying again this weekend, which means I'll be in Cleveland again all weekend. Woo me.

Sick. Tired. Generally lethargic. That's me.

I'm recording an episode of Without A Trace, and LaPaglia is wearing glasses. Oh yummy.

Yep, this is all you're getting.

That is all.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Morgan got a job and starts tomorrow. Detailing at a big dealership, which he enjoys. 40 hours a week, Monday-Friday.

School can eat a dick.

I'm so tired all the time, and I feel like crap. Lovely isn't it?

That is all.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Happy Anniversary To Me

I've been blogging for three years.

That is all.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Disjointed Thoughts

This is going to jump around a lot and be one large paragraph. You've been forewarned...

Enough with the Hurricane Katrina bullshit. Yes, there was a hurricane. Yes, people died and tons of people are without shelter, food, water, employment or money. Shit happens. There, I've said what thousands of other people have been too "PC" to say. Stop your fucking whining, pick yourself up and go on with your life because you are still alive. What pisses me off the most are people have to take up collections because most of those dumb fucks stuck in New Orleans are there because they "could ride it out." They knew how long in advance that a potentially devastating hurricane was on its way? Yet they chose to stay put and "ride it out." This is what you get. And don't email me with the excuse of the people were too poor to move or get out of town. They didn't have friends who could help them get out of town? Why didn't they go to the Superdome with the tens of thousands of other people? Because they were stupid, that's why. And now it's up to the rest of the country to help these morons? Count me out. I only feel sorry for the people who were honestly trapped there; the sick, the old, people who had no one to care for them and all of the animals. If you're stuck there because you were too stupid to get out while you could, then you are reaping what you sow, just like those dumb fucks who were wiped off the face of the earth by the Tsunami because they didn't believe it was coming.

Why is everything a cause? Have to make dumbass ribbons and badges and bumper stickers and website icons. Must make them now before a month passes and we can't capitalize on it (whatever "it" may be) anymore. The millions of people buying that shit ensure the next "event" will also garner stupid ribbons, badges, stickers and icons. I hate what humans have become, and am ashamed to be a human. Not an American, mind you, because this is the best country ever, but a human. I'm only 25 and I've seen a huge change in society from 10 years ago. I see a huge change from 5 years ago. People are stupid. They're only worried about what everyone else thinks they should have, do, say, be. Fuck that. Until society is supporting me down to the deodorant that keeps my pits from funkiness, society can kiss my ass. I'm a good person. I don't steal. I don't do drugs. I don't drink and drive. I don't smoke. I would work if someone would give me a job. I'm not on welfare. I'm going to school to better myself. I don't beat old people or little kids. I'm nice to animals. I attempt to be kind to my fellow man, unless they're so dumb that I can't handle being around them. All of that isn't enough if I don't have the Katrina ribbon plastered on my car, along with the myriad of other stupid ribbons? Excuse me, but fuck you.

On a lighter note, we had orientation yesterday. What a waste of 2.5 hours that was. We received the book for our first class, listened to some people yammer on about how happy they were to have us there and took a 3-part placement test. I bombed the math portion just as I thought I would, but I did well on the reading and English portions. I'm testing out of Comp 1 and 2, and Intros to Psych and Sociology, which means I will graduate 4 months early. Woo!

One more month (1st-2nd week of October) until our school money is available and we won't have to worry about bills anymore. A job would be nice, but obviously that's not going to happen for either of us, so I'll stop yammering on about employment. Wait, maybe I should have some ribbons made up, and have people take up collections on their blogs?????

Is "just" the new "like?" People throw "just" in sentences where it doesn't belong and I want to shake people for doing so. A little tip, YOU SOUND LIKE AN IDIOT. STOP WITH THE "JUST."

You'd think an author would verify the spelling of a city prior to publishing the book. Where was his editor? I'm reading House of Secrets about Eddie Sexton and his clan. The city of Massillon is mentioned quite a bit, but the author spells the city with one "L" instead of two. Hello, assfuck, it's called a map. Look it up. The book is actually pretty good, and we live about 7 minutes from that house (we're on the border of North Canton and Jackson.) Still, check the spelling before you publish. Dickface.

I'm finished bitching for now, but I'll probably be back later for more.

That is all.