Tuesday, June 29, 2004


The GTI's stereo is messed up. My subs have stopped working correctly. Sometimes they won't work at all, and when they do decide to work the bass is all fucked up and weird sounding. My new neighbor was outside yesterday before I went to Strongsville, and he offered to help me figure out what's doing with my stereo. I thought that was quite nice of him, but I had to refuse his offer last night since I was running late (as usual).

Well, my GTI's brake line will not be fixed this week as I will not have enough money to fix it out of this pay. Ass sucking shit, that's all it is.

I'm going to take a nap, then it's off to UPS I go.

That is all.

Go, Baby Go

GTI Speedo @ 80MPH

Ah, GTI performance is NOT an oxymoron.

That is all.

AudBlog Post

this is an audio post - click to play

Monday, June 28, 2004

OK, I'm Done...

Good fucking Christ, I need to change my pants.

(Photo totally stolen from BBM.)

That is all.


Anyone have an extra $1300 laying around the house? I've found the elusive factory 16V supercharged engine. Albeit this isn't an "original" it utilizes the same parts as the original. With only 70 of the original engines ever made, this is the next best thing, and a lot more feasible.

In other news, my driver side brake line is bad. Ack.

That is all.

Forgot Again

Heehee, I saw this movie last (Saturday) night. Everyone must see it! A Crack In The Floor is one of the best movies I've seen in a while. I don't know how sad that is, but it's a good movie. There's some great lines in the movie, and the ending is pretty nifty too.

Going to the car show in Cuyahoga Falls tomorrow. At least it'll get me out of the house, and I'll get a break from plotting revenge.

That is all.


Holy hot fuck, I've just rediscovered "Hollow" by Pantera. How could I have forgotten about this song?

That is all.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Hondas Suck

Forgot to mention this little tidbit...I was driving to Burger King on Monday, just putting along minding my own business. Some dumb Honda driving cunt was coming out of the McDonald's lot, via the wrong lane, and almost smacked right into me. She totally pulled out without even looking. Seriously, if you can't see my car you're blind as fuck. OK, so maybe you are. Hello, you can hear my car too. I slammed on my brakes, squealed to a stop and yelled quite a few not nice things in her general direction. Dumb twat.

I took some photos of VW's last night at DWVW. They're in my Yahoo photo album, in the conveniently named "VW Photos" folder. Check em out. Yeah, I spend my Saturday evening at the VW dealer taking pictures. Fucking loser.

As most of you have noticed, I'm not in the mood to blog. I'm really not in the mood to do anything other than strangle that cocksucker with my bare hands, but since I can't do that I've spent a lot of time planning my revenge. It shall be sweet, and swift. Grrrrrrrr.

That is all.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Gmail Invitations

Oh yeah, I have 5 Gmail account invitations available. Let me know if you'd like one.

That is all.


Not much going on worth talking about. I worked today, and was finished by 8PM. Didn't sleep for shit last night, so I was worn out all day long. Tomorrow (Saturday) I'm going to Akron for the Wink's Car Show in Barberton, and whatever else I can find to get into (probably not much).

I'm watching Roseanne; shit I'm bored.

This is pretty interesting:
DLR Becoming An EMT? (Link via Mac.)

That is all.

Thursday, June 24, 2004


Another day, another dollar. Big whoop dee do.

That is all.


I'd really like to forget today even happened.

That is all.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004


Mwahahahaha. That's all I can say.

Gotta change for Jenny's graduation.

Happy 26th Birthday, Jenny!!

That is all.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


I am home, and have been home since a quarter after midnight. What the hell is going on? I have no idea, but I find out tomorrow.

Needless to say he and I didn't hit any bars after he closed up for the night. I guess he and Crip were going out, which is fine, but there's no reason to be an ass about it. Especially after being so sweet Saturday night. What the fuck?

I'm babbling. I would excuse myself but I pay for this motherfucker, so I don't need to apologize. When you're paying for my blog I'll apologize. Until then, fuck off if you don't like what you're reading.

I really have nothing to say, so I'm going to bed.

Tomorrow's another day, and today all ready doesn't matter.

That is all.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Assorted Bitching

It would be nice if my high speed CD burner actually burned CD's at high speed instead of taking 8 days to burn one CD. Sometimes it will burn a complete CD in less than 2 minutes, and other times it takes 10 minutes to burn a CD. Grrrrrrr.

I'm taking the GTI to Don to have the tranny fluid checked/refilled. Don said I may have a bearing going bad and it was just catching when I heard the noise. He doesn't have time to check the tranny today, but at least I'll know if the fluid level is down. If the fluid level is OK then I'll know the tranny is going bad. Not good, not good at all. Conveniently the bar is right over by Don's place, so if my car decides to die anytime soon I'll probably be close to the mechanic. LOL I'm not sure if I should have admitted that or not.

Ah, now my CD burner starts burning at high speed. What the hell? Is this a variable rate thing, or what?

Along those same lines, how hard is it for people to make sure their songs are properly named? Honestly now, most CD programs (Windows Media Player, Real Player) have a feature that automatically detects the artist, title and track listing of whatever CD you are listening to. How hard is it to check the information, and make any corrections? People are so fucking lazy, I swear.

Speaking of lazy, I think I'll lay down until around 1PM then go have my car checked out. I didn't go to bed until 4 this morning, and Don called at 9AM so I'm a touch sleepy.

That is all.

New Music PT2

Yep, changed it again. I am awesome.

That is all.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

New Music

Figured I'd point out that I've changed the background music yet again. I'm moody, so piss off. I mean that in the best way possible, though, because I'm actually quite happy at the moment. My car's tranny problem isn't even fucking with me that much.

That is all.


Not only do I feel like a smacked ass, but my GTI's tranny is making that whirring sound again. Apparently it's low on fluid, again, so I have to run it to Don's tomorrow morning. Hopefully Don'll be able to work me in as I have plans tomorrow evening that won't come to fruition if I don't have wheels. It was weird, though, because I noticed the sound when I was in 3rd gear, then about 2 miles later it stopped making the noise. Oh well, I'm still having it checked, and hopefully Don has the part to fix it as well (the throw-out bearing access plate is where the leak is coming from this time). So I must be up at the asscrack of dawn tomorrow in order to get my car fixed, and that's only if Don can work me in. Grrrr.

It looks like someone snagged on the driver side window of my car. I know I wasn't puking last night, and no one else should have been near my car, so what the fuck is going on?

Way too much Smirnoff Ice last night. I guess I shouldn't complain since I wasn't buying them. I'm not hungover, but my ass is certainly dragging. I know, most of you would consider that a hangover but I don't have a headache and my stomach isn't upset. I'm just ass-dragging tired.

That is all.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Cheez It

Cheez Its are hella tasty, but they make quite the mess when spilled all over the passenger seat of your car. Just wanted to let everyone know.

There was something else I was going to babble about, but I've forgotten.

That is all.

Assorted Sundries

Today sucked ass. Let me rephrase, it didn't suck ass per se, but it was quite eventful. First off, everything I touched today at work wound up breaking. I managed to break the IAQ computer, the digital sender and the digital sender computer. Thankfully the office manager fixed everything for me, but I felt so bad for her! I still wound up getting out of work at 8:15PM, so that's not too bad I guess.

I drove around Canton this evening looking for someone to race, but found no one. Dammit. I then went to Taco Bell. I rock.

Saturday is the Massillon car show, then Sunday is the Stan Hywet show. Woohoo!

That is all.

Friday, June 18, 2004


I have to say it: Crack is whack. Now the first time you see/hear a big biker guy say "Crack is Whack" you'll remember it too.

I should comb my hair before I leave.

That is all.

I Almost Forgot

The quote of the month:
Him-"What the fuck is that round fucking wheel on the back of your car"? Me-"What the fuck are you babbling about?" Him-"That round thing on your antenna; that fucking wheel." Me-"Oh, you mean the RECORD that's my antenna topper?" Him-"Yeah, that fucking thing."

OK, I thought it was amusing. Guess you had to be there.

Another amusing note; everyone is jealous of my hat. It's now referred to as my fishing hat.

That is all.

Holy Shpoop

Wow, that bitch is fucking psycho. That's all I'm gonna say tonight.

Must go to bed.

That is all.

Thursday, June 17, 2004


I am living in the middle of a Jerry Springer episode. I was out at the bar tonight, and he asked it I'd like to go to another bar with him; I said cool. I followed behind him in the GTI mobile, and he was on the bike. Thankfully I wasn't on the bike as it started to rain like a motherfucker right after we arrived at the bar (which he said it would, and was why I wasn't on the bike). Anyway, I digress...We get to the bar, he and I are chatting and whatever when I have to pee. I go to the bathroom, and as I'm coming out I swear I hear his bike start up. Turns out the chick he owned the bar with had come in, and he left real fast. That's OK, though, as I understand why. The bartender lady came up to me and told me what was going on, so I'm not pissed. I'm amused to be honest; who'd have thought boring old me would be wrapped up in some Jerry Springer shit like this? Besides, he and that chick aren't together, but she wanted to cause problems. She saw my car there, with his bike, and she stopped. Heehee, I must giggle.

No, I'm not drunk. I'm not even impaired. I can imagine how amused I'd be if I were drunk, though, and I'd probably have mouthed off to boot. Guess it's a good thing I don't get drunk on work nights, isn't it?

I rock.

In other rants, if I'm supposed to call you, be off the damn phone! You know who you are, dork.

I am off to bed. Notice I go to bed earlier than I was prior to going to the bar. I'm the only person I know who goes to a bar and has one drink all damned night. Again, I rock.

That is all.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Yeah, I get myself into some shit. That's all I'm saying for now.

I must go out and check the oil in the GTI as he was making an insane racket on the way home. Not good.

I hit a huge fucking pothole on the way home from work and my fucking rear view mirror fell the fuck off. Bastards.

I said "fuck" a lot in the previous sentence.

Holly needs to dump more often or else the system will be clogged. Heehee!

That is all.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

this is an audio post - click to play


The problem took care of itself. I feel like a choad.

That is all.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Rain, Rain Go Away

AOL Email
Well, it's raining and stormy so I highly doubt I'm going out tonight.  I'd like to go out, but I guess I do need to stay home a little bit more anyway.
That is all.

Nothing Doin'

Ain't nothing going on. Wow, how was that for a butchering of the English language? Anyway, I woke up relatively early for me; 2:30PM. I was up at 20 of noon when John called and woke me up, but I went back to sleep after we got off the phone. I think I'm going out tonight, but I'll only have one or two drinks, two at the most. I need to cut back on my alcohol consumption, plus I'll be driving home so I definitely don't need to drink too much.

All right, I'm going to finish watching Joy Ride on DVD then get a shower or something.

That is all.


OK, so I'm not in bed. But MXC is on! Woohoo! I'm watching that, then 2 episodes of Knight Rider and I'll hopefully be ready for bed. Plus, I'm finishing my laundry.

That is all.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Nothing Going On

Nothing's going on. I slept until 6PM this evening, drove around Canton for about an hour then came home. I'm now watching Wild Boyz and plan on being asleep by midnight.

Yesterday I was in Akron for about 8 hours. Went to eat at Parasson's in Akron, drove around and fucked off. All in all quite the boring weekend. It was quite the break from the insanely busy week I had last week.

That is all.


AOL Email
I'm going for a drive as I have all kinds of shit running through my mind, therefore I can't sleep.  Check out the lyrics to my background music and you'll understand why I'm confused.  Don't play this song and have me dance with you while it's playing unless you want me to be fucking confused!
That is all.

Friday, June 11, 2004


It's nice and icky outside, what a great way to start the weekend. Who really cares, though, since I'm working then coming home anyway?

OK, I'm off.

That is all.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


Nothing blog worthy went on today. I didn't go to work as I was up half the night yakking my guts out, along with nastiness from the other end too. Was that an overshare? Anyway, I called Heather, my boss, and told her what was doing. She was really cool about it, which I really appreciate. The only thing I can figure is the Chinese food (boneless spare ribs, shrimp egg roll and shrimp fried rice) I had last evening was nasty or something. My tummy is still a little queasy, but I'm much better than I was this morning, and I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow.

It's storming and I'm hoping the power doesn't go out.

I have 3 invitations for Google Gmail accounts. Email me if you are interested in claiming one of the invitations.

That is all.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Old Age Sucks

I'm having an insanely good time with Party, but I need to cut out the late nights. I'm not 18 anymore, and staying out late is kicking my ass. None of those shenanigans tonight as there's work tomorrow.

I'm off to shower as I'm currently sweating like a fat kid in the sun.

That is all.


Like I said in the previous post I edited, I feel like a schmuck. Party wound up calling me at 1AM to say he wasn't getting out of the bar early. I told him that was OK and I greatly appreciated him calling me anyway. Well I wound up going out to the bar as he thought we would be able to get some late night riding in, but I was late getting there. Why, you ask? I got pulled over, bastard. The town I live in has shitty fucking roads, so I have to weave everywhere to avoid fucking up my suspension even more than it all ready is. Anyway, the cop pulled me over, asked if I'd been drinking and I told him no (which I hadn't been). He then asked why I was weaving and I told him it was because the roads fucking suck ass and if I break something in my suspension I highly doubt the city will pay to have it replaced. I smarted off and he let me go! Woohoo, I rock!

Just thought everyone would like to know. If not, too bad, you know anyway.

That is all.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Get Off The Phone!

OK, I told my Mom someone may be calling for me tonight, so if the phone rings and it's an unknown or private number to please answer the phone. What's she do? Gets on the phone and calls my brother Jeff, at TEN IN THE EVENING. She never calls Jeff this late during the week because he is a truck driver and more than likely trying to sleep. This is seriously pissing me off. She does this shit all the damn time. Now I wish I'd have kept my own phone line, but it was silly to pay $55/month for something I could have on the downstairs phone for $20/month. Grrrrr, I really, really wish I hadn't had my phone disconnected. On the off chance he does actually call me, I'd like to answer the phone and A.) not have to deal with her grilling him before she gives me the phone and B.) not have to wonder if he did call and she just didn't click over (she's really good at that shit). Besides, I'd really like to go out riding as it's been years since I've been.

I'm off to steam.

That is all.

Same Old Thing

Edited (June 8, 2004 @ 4:30AM) because I feel like a schmuck. The beginning of the entry is gone, and will not be resurrected. Now on to the remainder of the original post:

In other news, I just received this wonderful reply from AudBlog's customer non-service department:

Noah Glass

Think it....Speak it!

Yea, your post is lost forever. Sorry.

I looked for it but couldnt find anything.


What the hell kind of reply is that? I asked him what I needed to do to ensure the posts went through from now on, and he totally didn't address that concern. Nice, yes? But then, I do have over 65 thousand posts remaining, so I shouldn't complain too much.

OK, I'm off to finish up my laundry and maybe get to bed early.

That is all.

Something Strange Is Afoot

OK, like I said earlier, I tried to do an audio post Saturday night around 3:45AM. For whatever reason the post didn't work out. Upon checking my audblog account I found this to be quite strange:

audblog Account Info
Account Status: Active
You have 65535 Post(s) remaining
Click the PayPal button to purchase a block of posts.

I have over 65 THOUSAND posts remaining? What the hell is going on? I'm not complaining, but that leads me to believe my whole audblog account is messed up. Grrrr.

Nothing else is going on.

That is all.

Sunday, June 06, 2004


AOL Email
OK, what good is AudBlog if it isn't going to work?  I posted an audio entry on the way home, and it's totally not showing up.  Fuckers.
That is all.

Saturday, June 05, 2004


Holy crap, Ronald Regan died. I'm all teary eyed and shit as he was the fucking pimp, and an excellent speaker. The president during my favorite decade would, of course, be my favorite president. I can't believe he died, even though he was quite advanced in age and had been sick for quite a few years.

Nothing else is worth talking about at the moment.

That is all.

I Am Drunk

Woohoo, I say. Jamie and I are drunk, and it rocks.

OK, Jamie has nothing to say. I'm jacking around on his computer, which I'm very jealous of since it's a Sony Va10 (Vaio). It rocks my socks as it has a glowy logo thingie. I would take a photo but my camera is outside and I'm too drunk to brave the stairs. I rock.

Rammstein is on.

Jamie still has no comment.

I can't type whence drunk.

I rock.

That is all.

Friday, June 04, 2004


AOL Email
New background music again.  New photo on the sidebar, which is to the right for all of you cool browser using folks.  As for the rest of you, the new photo is at the bottom of the page.
That is all.


The title pretty much sums it up. Tomorrow is Friday, thank goodness.

That is all.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Math Isn't My Friend

I just had to share. I picked up a piping hot on the way home from work. My total was $7.95, so I gave the lady $10.05 thinking I'd get $2 back. Here's my reasoning; I gave the lady a nickel, so that would have made it $8, meaning I'd get $2 back. I'm a fucking moron. The worst part is Dr. Dork tried explaining it to me, and I just don't understand.

That is all.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004


Edited June 3, 2004-11:30AM
So irrelevant to daily life, I don't know what I was even crabby about. Oh what a difference a night's sleep makes.

I'm confused, which means I'm in a crabby mood. I hate being confused, and I certainly hate being confused about something this important. My tendency to be quite gullible has struck again, and this time it's a whopper. Oh well, maybe I'm completely wrong. In this instance I'd love to be proven wrong.

Tomorrow is Thursday. I need Friday to get here quickly as I need a mini vacation from life. I know, most of you are probably wondering why I need a mini vacation when I don't really do anything, but there are things I keep to myself and don't write in my journal. I keep things to myself? Surely you jest!!

I can see this post is going nowhere fast, so I think I'm finished.

That is all.

No Comment

Edited June 3, 2004-11:30AM

I fall for everything I'm told. Fucking moron. Will I ever learn my lesson? Obviously not.

I've changed my background music again. It fits my mood, but I'm sure it'll never happen. Listen to the lyrics and you'll figure it out.

That is all.

No One Likes You

Well now, I am certainly glad today's work time is over. The first 3.5 hours were spent trying to not fall asleep, then the last 2.5 hours were busy. I don't know what it was today, but everyone seemed worn out. Tomorrow is Thursday, woohoo! That means the day after tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! Which reminds me, I need to email Jamie and get directions to his place of employment so that I may meet him there Friday. Jamie gets off work at 12:30, so I'm meeting him after work instead of having him drive all the way to my house, then all the way back to Party's. K, since no one really cares, I'm finished with that.

Actually, I'm totally finished.

That is all.


I knew it. It's almost 2AM and I can't go to sleep.

That is all.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004


Exactly why am I tired? I got out of bed at 3:45 this afternoon and it's now 9PM. Why would I be tired now?

I think I'm going to bed.

That is all.