Monday, June 07, 2004

Get Off The Phone!

OK, I told my Mom someone may be calling for me tonight, so if the phone rings and it's an unknown or private number to please answer the phone. What's she do? Gets on the phone and calls my brother Jeff, at TEN IN THE EVENING. She never calls Jeff this late during the week because he is a truck driver and more than likely trying to sleep. This is seriously pissing me off. She does this shit all the damn time. Now I wish I'd have kept my own phone line, but it was silly to pay $55/month for something I could have on the downstairs phone for $20/month. Grrrrr, I really, really wish I hadn't had my phone disconnected. On the off chance he does actually call me, I'd like to answer the phone and A.) not have to deal with her grilling him before she gives me the phone and B.) not have to wonder if he did call and she just didn't click over (she's really good at that shit). Besides, I'd really like to go out riding as it's been years since I've been.

I'm off to steam.

That is all.