Sunday, June 27, 2004

Hondas Suck

Forgot to mention this little tidbit...I was driving to Burger King on Monday, just putting along minding my own business. Some dumb Honda driving cunt was coming out of the McDonald's lot, via the wrong lane, and almost smacked right into me. She totally pulled out without even looking. Seriously, if you can't see my car you're blind as fuck. OK, so maybe you are. Hello, you can hear my car too. I slammed on my brakes, squealed to a stop and yelled quite a few not nice things in her general direction. Dumb twat.

I took some photos of VW's last night at DWVW. They're in my Yahoo photo album, in the conveniently named "VW Photos" folder. Check em out. Yeah, I spend my Saturday evening at the VW dealer taking pictures. Fucking loser.

As most of you have noticed, I'm not in the mood to blog. I'm really not in the mood to do anything other than strangle that cocksucker with my bare hands, but since I can't do that I've spent a lot of time planning my revenge. It shall be sweet, and swift. Grrrrrrrr.

That is all.