Sunday, July 04, 2004


OK, this entry will be an outline of my weekend so I don't forget to write anything later on when I have the time and energy.

-Driving to Strongsville at 11PM on Friday night
-Driving home from Strongsville around 12:30AM Friday night
-Emergency headlight repair in the K-Mart parking lot
-Fixing my subs in the fucking Summit Mall parking lot at 1:30-2:30AM
-Being questioned by the cops during said speaker repair fiasco
-Getting home around 4AM
-The Type O way to play guitar
-Driving around Canton/Minerva/Malvern/Massillon this morning looking for fucking Cougars and Thunderchicken Super Coupes
-Holy crap, a Beretta with painted on hood pins
-The Saturn
-Driving back to Strongsville at 5:30 this evening
-Driving home from Strongsville at 7:30ish this evening
-Being pissed off because someone canceled our plans for the second fucking time this weekend

I feel like a smacked ass, but in a much better way than 2 weeks ago.

OK, I think that's it.

That is all.