Sunday, November 16, 2003

Today was interesting. We pull up from going Wal-Marting and there's a State Trooper parked on the street in front of the building next door. I don't know what happened, but you've gotta do some shit to have a Statie knocking on your door at 10:30 on a Saturday evening. I do not live in the ghetto, it's a very nice area actually, but some of my neighbors sure are ghetto.

I'm currently reading a book entitled Mad In America; I highly recommend it. It's about the treatment, or mistreatment rather, of the mentally disturbed. Good reads, get it now!

I love Snapple Kiwi Teawi and Snapple Lime Green Tea.

I am a dork.

The GTI will once again live Tuesday afternoon (new battery and new rear brakes). Now if I could only find the title I would be in business. I'm 99% sure the title is in Glenville; what the hell was I thinking taking the GTI title to WV???

I finally got my cell phone straightened out. The Sprint guy in Belden Village gave me an extended life battery and a new desktop charger, for free! Thankfully that seems to have fixed the dying phone problem. My cell phone is once again operational. Woohoo!

Psychotropic drug companies (Eli Lilly and Janssen) are evil.

Call T & T tire so they won't ask me for anymore of your contact info. (You know who you are.)

OK, that's all for now.