Thursday, February 09, 2006

Baby Update

For some reason I've been Miss Suzy Updater over on MySpace, but have neglected this blog. Enough of that! The entry below was taken directly from the MySpace blog, because it's long and I'm too lazy to type it again.

It seems as though my pre-eclampsia is getting worse, and I probaby have gestational diabetes as well. Lucky me. I had a one hour glucose test today, and we'll see if it confirms the doctor's suspicions. I had to get jabbed in the finger during the one hour test. I was supposed to alert the reception people if I started feeling ill or otherwise funny after I drank the glucose stuff. Well, about 25 minutes in, I suddenly felt really lightheaded and tired. I'm talking falling asleep in the chair tired. So I went to the front desk, told them and the lab lady ran out and did a finger prick to check my blood sugar level. Holy shit, the finger pricks hurt! It bled like a bastard too. Anyway, my sugar level was 200, which I guess is bad (every other time I've had it tested at the endocrinologist, it was 100 which they said was good.) I returned to the waiting room, and the lab lady ran out every 10 minutes or so to check on me. By the end of the hour, I felt fine again and she did the regular blood draw (which didn't hurt at all, and didn't bleed either.) So yeah, I now have weekly ultrasounds (Tuesdays at 5:30PM) and weekly checkups (Wednesdays at 2:30PM) until the mini-Morgan decides to make his grand entrance into the world. Oh well, at least I'll get to see how the alien is growing!!

In other news, I finally exchanged our busted DVR for a new one. How I missed thee, DVR. Especially with the Sleuth channel pimping out Knight Rider and Miami Vice, the DVR is quite handy.

Apparently Morgan's ex is jealous of my being pregnant. She's running her mouth about this being his 3rd kid, which is totally untrue. The last girl he lived with wasn't pregnant with his kid. When the baby was born he was black as night, probably because the father is black. Morgan, however, isn't black and besides, he met this chick after she was all ready pregnant. But then his ex also tried to say Morgan has herpes, which is again totally untrue (he doesn't even get cold sores, the assmonkey, and I tested clean.) So far she's 0 for two, and making herself look more pitiful every day. I'm pretty sure she doesn't read this blog, and even if she does I couldn't give a shit less. Even their mutual friends have told me she's a crazy bitch, and I guess her Mom's all different kinds of fucked up, too. Fabulous environment, I'm sure. Besides, I'm fucking awesome and everyone knows this. LOL

I can add to the MySpace post about the baby...I'm 30 weeks (as of Tuesday) and the doctor was freaking out thinking I'm more like 35 weeks. She went over the date of my last period again, busted out her little chart thing and confirmed I am due April 27, just like we've thought all along. I'm certain of the LMP date because I always mark it down or else I'd forget. The only reason I realized I may be pregnant was because I was looking through my day planner and realized I hadn't had a period in 2 months. For all of you playing along at home, remember this: I was told it would be "next to impossible" for me to get pregnant on my own. I was with Brian for 4.5 years and never had anything happen. Apparently Morgan's swimmers can swim like nobody's business. Anyway, being pregnant was the furthest thing from my mind last summer. We had just moved in here and I honestly thought at first it was a stomach bug. Then I thought it was something in the apartment making me sick (mold, the carpeting, etc) because Morgan was totally unaffected and feeling fine. When he found the yucky mold in the toilet tank we thought we'd found the culprit. After cleaning the hell out of the toilet with 2-3 bottles of bleach I still didn't feel any better. Around my birthday (September 23,) I realized my period had been MIA. Beginning of October I took 2 pee tests and both came back jackpot won. At this point I realized I'd better call my gyno and found out she was on vacation for 2 or 3 weeks! I had the first ultrasound at the local clinic place, and found out I was almost 4 months along. I promptly freaked out thinking the baby was going to be deformed because I had 4 alcoholic drinks in August, and hadn't taken any prenatal vitamins the entire first trimester. Fast forward to present time and apparently the alien is doing quite well; all of the screenings and bloodwork indicate he's completely healthy. I, on the other hand, could be doing better, but I could be a lot worse too. I'll be thankful for not being completely jacked up; I'm only partially jacked up. LOL

Isn't it my bedtime yet?

That is all.