Sunday, February 05, 2006

RoadRunner Is A Whore

RoadRunner Internet service is a whore. My wireless connection doesn't work for more than 5 minutes at a time, and when I call to have someone come out and fix the connection, I'm on hold for 45 minutes to 1 hour 15 minutes and never talk with anyone. Bastards. When I pay this month's bill, I'm going in person (I usually pay over the Net) and requesting a service call while I'm there. Guess I'll get a new DVR while I'm there, too.

I think I'm in labor. I dunno, it feels weird but there's no pain (just weird pressure; may be how he's laying,) and my water hasn't burst (heehee) or anything. If it gets any worse I'll go to the ER, and I have a doctor appointment Wednesday too, so I'll make sure to mention it to my gyno/ob doc.

We got our new mattress yesterday, and it's so nice. I can sleep and not wake up with a backache. How novel an idea! My back hurts for other reasons, but not because of the mattress.

The giant snowstorm still hasn't arrived, but I'm not disappointed. Everyone's freaking out and stocking up on provisions, but it's not going to amount to anything. Every winter this happens; the weather people forecast a huge storm, and it never shows up. When it's only supposed to be a few inches we wind up with a foot of snow. Ohio rules!!

I think I'm hungry, but I'm not sure.

Oh! We're finished with Comp 2. No more writing! The class was fine, finally a good teacher, but I hate writing. HATE IT. Now we're moving on to Constitutional Law which will be a total yawn. Oh well, better than math.

Morgan fried something in the charging system of the red RS. I can see it now; the perpetual project car.

No news on the BaronBomb. The bank lady said she'll start searching Tuesday. Woooooo!

OK, my bladder says I have to get off the computer now.

That is all.