Tuesday, September 24, 2002

September 24, 2002

Bummed around until 10:30 this morning. Then I had to get up and take the biddy to the cardiologist for a day full of tests. I missed my spine scan and endocrinologist appointments; I'm never going to feel better if I don't stop pissing around!

Per usual, I didn't get anything in the mail today. I did sell a pair of DM Chukka boots, though; that rocks. I had an inquiry about the Marc Jacobs jeans I have on eBay; hopefully I'll sell another pair of those too. I don't think $40 is too bad for a brand new pair of $140 jeans.

The landlords are still driving me crazy with their damn kids and the husband's temper tantrums. It'd be nice if I could get a full night sleep. Alas that's not going to happen until we move or a mysterious accident takes out the bottom half of the house. I have a special place in hell reserved just for me...

Yet again, people piss me off. Nothing new there...

I did receive a really cool DM poster yesterday; 3 weeks after I paid for it. Luckily it's cool and I only paid $13 for it. The 18 eye snakeskin Docs auction I was planning on winning was ended early. Why list something if you're not sure you want to sell it?
I did win a cool pair of rose pattern boots for $25, so that kinda makes up for it. The seller also agreed to ship via my UPS account so that saves me about $6 in shipping!

Metallica "Outlaw Torn"
Europe "The Final Countdown"
Dream Theater "Space Dye Vest"
Depeche Mode "Stripped"

Off to clean Fluffy's room, and I guess I should go to the laundromat as well.

The current mood of lovedocmartens@aol.com at www.imood.com