Saturday, November 05, 2005

The Hell Was That?

Yeah, I'm sick so I'm coughing up all kinds of interesting things. I went to the doctor yesterday and I guess I have bronchitis. I'm on an antibiotic and Robitussin for the cough. It's been in the 60's here the last couple days, and I've been too sick to enjoy the weather. Ack.

I was debating whether I should post this or not, but since my Mom's told everyone she knows, I suppose I will. I'll be 4 months pregnant on Tuesday. Yeah, you read that correctly. Me, pregnant. Of course it's Morgan's!!!! I'll find out next month if it's a boy or a girl. I had my first ultrasound on Wednesday, and I saw two hands with 5 fingers each, and two legs kicking the shit out of my mommy area. That's going to hurt like hell in a month or so. Something to look forward to, I guess. LOL The heartbeat on Wednesday was 146, and it was 156 yesterday, but the nurse told me both are fine, and I don't need to worry.

I've managed to trip over the air and fall coming out of the apartment building (last night.) I fucking rule.

I'm also craving Sprite and Popscicles. Mmmmmmmmm.

Our TV is dying the slow death of antique electronics items.

I think that's enough news for one day.

That is all.