Sunday, March 19, 2006

Home Sweet Home

I'm home. I was released Friday, around 11:30AM. Almost 8 days exactly (I was admitted at noon) and I was beat. I had to get a prescription filled (Amoxicillin) so where's the first place I go upon release? Target, of course. LOL I went to the junkyard yesterday, made one lap and sat down the rest of the time. Today I took a brief jaunt to the grocery store. I do not want to wind up back in the hospital, so I have yet to clean the apartment, other than a quickie bathroom clean and a simple kitchen wipe-down. No vacuuming or anything crazy like that, and I certainly haven't tackled the laundry.

Being confined to the hospital works great as a diet. I went in there and couldn't even get close to fastening a pair of jeans I bought around a month ago. Now they fit fine. It's strange, though, since I ate a bunch while I was in the hospital but didn't do shit. Oh well, at least something good came out of being in there. LOL

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I'm going to be nervous. I have to go into the specialists' office for checkups on those days, and I'm terrified they're going to decide to admit me again (the specialists' office is in the hospital.) So, if I disappear for a couple days, I'm back in the hosptial and waiting on a laptop.

Yeah, that'll do wonders for my blood pressure.

OK, Morgan's cooking. I need to supervise to make sure the kitchen isn't burned down.

That is all.