Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hospital Part Deux

Yeah, I'm in the hospital again. I was readmitted Wednesday the 22nd because my liver enzymes were screwed up again. The baby is fine, however.
Obviously I'm not happy about being in here again. Especially since I was admitted Wednesday, and by Friday the enzymes were almost normal again. Instead of letting me go home Friday, the specialists chose to keep me here all weekend for "observation." I'm in the hospital, nothing's wrong with me and I'm not hooked up to anything. The IV was hep-locked today, I'm only on the baby monitor one hour out of every four and all of my blood/urine tests are perfect. The baby is perfect, and his fluid is good as well. Yet, again, here I am in the hospital getting blood thinner injections because I was stuck in bed by the IV. I finally got out of bed and waddled to the nursery this evening, but that was the first "trip" I've taken since my arrival. I came in for a regular checkup, and didn't get to leave.
Allegedly, if the fluid stays good and the enzymes remain stable, I'll go home Monday. But then they said I could go home Friday if those criteria were met, and I am still here. I need to beat someone.

I'll be 9 months (36 weeks) pregnant on Monday. It's freaking scary. I had another amnio Wednesday, and I wound up having contractions the whole time. OK, that sucked and they weren't even real contractions/labor. Sooooooo glad I'm having a C-Section.
The results of the amnio were better (32 this time,) but still not the 55 we need for delivery. Wednesday is the next milestone; the size ultrasound. If he hasn't grown sufficiently, they'll deliver him Wednesday or Thursday. If he is growing, he'll remain inside to fester a couple more weeks (April 11 is our hopeful date.)

Gah, I have to pee.

That is all.