Monday, February 21, 2005


I just had Brussels Sprouts for a snack, and I enjoyed them. That makes me weird, right?

Morgan and I are going to the TITN event on June 18 and 19 with the Iroc. That'll be fun.

Friday is dealer employee night at the Cleveland Auto Show. It's a preview night, so we won't have to put up with the morons who accompany the public show. I'll make sure to take tons of photos with my good camaera, and I'm sure I'll take quite a few with my camera phone too.

Black Cherry Kool-Aid with Cool Whip and Sprite is pretty tasty.

It snowed again today. Morgan said the weather was pretty crappy all day by him, and I know it was snowy and cold by me today. Supposed to be 45 degrees tomorrow. Woohoo!

I'm $100 closer to my Scirocco (sold 6 pairs of shoes to a girl who has bought from me countless times previously.) As soon as my tax refund gets here (hopefully this week,) I'll only be $140 short. We could not get the rims for the Camaro on the 1st of March and use that money to get the Scirocco, but I know Morgan won't do that, so I'll have to get the last $140 just like I came up with the rest; on my own.

I'm mailing 8 resumes tomorrow, and there are 4 places I want to call as well. One is an auto detailing position in Canton; that would rock.

My printer cartridge decided to crap out on me today, so someone better call me from one of the resumes I send out tomorrow. If not, I can't mail any more resumes since I no longer have a printer that prints. Bah.

I'm taking a couple huge-assed boxes of Dr. Martens to Goodwill at the end of the week. Email me before Friday if you are interested in any shoes. Run in size from UK3-UK6, which are US 5-8 in womens' sizes. I'll email photos upon request. PayPal only, kids.

Speaking of PayPal, I've stuck a Donate through PayPal button on the sidebar. ThePooper's Car Fund. Thanks to anyone who donates, even if it's just $5.

I'm thinking Scirocco...

I'm freezing and the Dr. G episodes are repeats. Off to bed...

That is all.