Sunday, February 13, 2005


I'm finally remembering to post this. Right before Christmas I found a bottle of Dove 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner at the Half Off store. I bought it for a buck, and it was one of the best purchases I've ever made. I could never use 2-in-1 products, but the Dove version is rockass. Thus ends my product whoring for the week.

I scanned my cell phone because I'm a dork. I "borrowed" Morgan's scanner, and I've been scanning everything. Here is my Valentine's Day cover and my cherry cover. I have a Hello Kitty screen image, but you can't really see it that well. I am a dork.

So yeah, the only straight guy in the gay clubs last night manages to find me, and hits on me. Asked me for my number even. I never cease to amaze Turtle.

I detailed my Mom's car today because I rock. If it's still clean tomorrow I'll get photos.

I should go to bed, and I believe I will as soon as 3AM gets here. MSNBC is having a serial killer marathon thing, plus it's hosted by the Siegenthaler. Dude, it's all about the arm. My arm was like that for weeks after I got my Servo tattoo and Dr. Dork and I referred to it as "The Sieg." I think it's just his style, though, as I've seen him use the arm. I'd feel like an ass for making fun of his arm if something's wrong with it, but then again, do I really give a fuck? NO.

That is all.