Sunday, February 27, 2005

Update Time

Short update right now; more in depth later.

We went out with Turtle Monday night after we dropped off the Camaro at the clinic.
Tuesday we hung around my house, rented The Day After Tomorrow on PPV and ordered Domino's Pizza (buy one get one free Tuesdays.)
Wednesday we checked out a couple Mazdas so I can have my own car. After that, we picked the Camaro up from the clinic. Every time the owner works on our car everything is fine. So we have no more squirty seal, and this is good. After that, Morgan and I went to the mall to waste time and get out of the house. We also rented 2 Fast 2 Furious so Morgan could finally watch one of those damned movies.
Thursday we went to his house so he could go to work.
Friday he worked, I went out to lunch with Turtle and we caused trouble wherever we went, I jacked up my hair, picked Morgan up from work and then he and I hit the Cleveland Auto Show.
Saturday I swung by Dr. Dork's house, came home, then picked Morgan up from work. We then went to his Dad's house to visit the Iroc. Then we drove down here.
So far today Morgan went to work.

Exciting, yes?

I'll elaborate later, I just wanted to get all this written so I didn't forget anything.

That is all.