Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Someone Needs Therapy

I'm still shaking my head over this email. What makes me giggle the most is how they refer to the tsunami, and how it's America's fault it happened ("hasn't the recent Tsunami tragedy taught you Americans anything about saving the environment.") OK, so the tsunami could have been prevented had Americans not driven Camaros, or not had more than one car per household? American's auto engines are so powerful, it caused a tsunami. Americans need to save the environment, or else more tsunamis will occur. OK, jackass.

I'm leaving their AOL name on the email simply because they're big enough to talk about Americans, and they should at least give us the chance for a rebuttal. Make sure you enlarge the image so you can read the email. I replied with "Someone needs some therapy. Thanks for your enlightening email." Funniest thing is, the photos that psycho is referring to have accompanying text with them. The text explains the Moozda doesn't run anymore, and the GTI was totaled 9/28/04. Had whomever that was pulled their head out of their ass long enough to READ THE TEXT, they'd have had nothing to bitch about. Yeah, I bitch a lot, but only on this blog. I don't email random people to bitch about stuff in their profiles. I truly don't "get" people; is it any reason I can't stand people when so many act like this asshat?

Morgan replied with a rather insightful comment. Everyone hates the US so much, but when there's a problem, who do they run to? The US. Who is aiding everyone else instead of taking care of their own shit? The US. Who's donating millions of dollars to people who were too dumb to leave when they heard a tsunami was likely, but thought we were lying? The US.

I'm tired of everyone making excuses for why we "need" to send aid to these people. No, we don't "need" to send aid to anyone who won't heed our warnings. Or because your national pastime is babymaking, yet no one has a job. Not our problem. A true "disaster" is a different story entirely. But aid because people are too stupid to listen, or have never heard of not having children if you have no income? Not so much. Again, I'm all for helping people who truly need the aid, and who will appreciate the aid. Not being able to support your own children because you've never worked and just keep having kids doesn't qualify, in my opinon. Nor does any event that people had ample warning for, but were too stupid, or stubborn, to listen. This goes for aid in our country, and aid to foreign countries. My personal favorite example is when someone's house/apartment burns down and they didn't have rental insurance. OK, in my area rental insurance is $120 a year. That's $10 a month. You didn't have rental insurance so you lost all of your shit? Shut the fuck up, I'm hot helping your dumb ass. There's at least one story a month of some stupid fuck around here who didn't have insurance, and their home burned down, so everyone and their grandmother is taking up a collection. One more time, and say it with me. RENTAL INSURANCE.

Heehee, the asshat replied to Morgan's email:

From: GrumpyTurd@aol.com Add to Address Book
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 17:20:10 EST
Subject: Re: pics on my girlfreinds aol profile
To: Azrael
that explains my original point exactly. Americans are ignorant and arrogant and just plain stupid.
thanks for that.

Then they blocked Morgan's email. Nice.

Don't get me wrong, I do agree that most Americans need to do more. Recycle, walk to the store instead of driving when the store is 3 blocks away, use a regular towel instead of paper towels, etc. Lets be realistic. Other countries contribute to pollution, but America is the only country being villified for such actions. I think that's what pisses me off the most. Everyone is more than happy to take our money and aid, but they villify us just the same.

Long ago I adjusted my Buddy List settings so only people I know could IM me. Am I going to have to adjust my email settings too?

Well that's been my entertainment for the day. And yes, I'm still shaking my head over this one.

Just for the record, I do donate to Save the Boobies, Cancer Research and if a child was burned/has cancer, etc. I'm tired of adults who can change their situation choosing not to because they keep receiving handouts (referring to mostly US aid at this point.)

That is all.