Thursday, June 26, 2003

Guess who just spent the last 25 minutes laying on her bedroom floor? Oh I think it was me. I've been cleaning my room all day, and when I tried to pick up my bed I threw my back out. I know my back is of the crappy variety, so why do I continue to try and pick stuff up? Because I'm an ass, that's why. I had to crawl to my med bag so I could take an Ultram, which I hate doing by the way. At least I can move somewhat now; this is good.

Still no call about my GTI. Argh!!!

It's supposed to storm really bad tonight; woohoo!!!

I'm gonna hobble downstairs and watch some useless TV.


Depeche Mode "The Singles 86-98" Disc 2
Depeche Mode "Ultra" All Tracks
Type O Negative "Life Is Killing Me" Advance CD All Tracks
George Michael "Father Figure"