Sunday, June 15, 2003

Sunday June 15, 2003

Guess who got sunburned today? Oh, I think it would be me. Just my right arm from the elbow down, and my left arm from mid-forearm down. I look like such a farmer. Oh, and my nose and cheeks got it too. What a wonderful way to start my new job. Dork.

The Stan Hywet show rocked out!! Only one Ferrari and one Porsche, but that's OK. The cars were really nice, and there were plenty of them too. All in all a very good day.

I'm so excited about my new job. I felt so useless without a job; I was off for three freaking weeks. It's nice to be gainfully employed again.

I'm working 4 days this week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) for training as Kristie's last day is Friday, and I'm the only secretary there. Gotta learn a lot of shit in 4 days!!!

