OK, Hannah is now officially out of high school. She should be leaving for Myrtle Beach in about 10 minutes. I hope everything goes well for her, and she has a fab time. I told her as long as she wears her seat belt, and doesn't sit on any toilet seats, she should be fine.
Tomorrow is the car show on Front Street in the Falls. It better not rain, and the cars better not suck.
My CD burner does not like me. Everytime I try to burn a CD, it'll burn the first track then say there was a problem buffering the rest of the tracks. Fuck you HP USB CD Burner; you may suck my ass.
I keep looking at my Paradise Tea and thinking how good some of that would taste. Then I go downstairs and forget to take it with me. I suck.
OK, I'm off to search the classifieds for a jobbie.