Monday, June 30, 2003

What an eventful evening I had. I woke up with spiders crawling on me; nice yes? That explains all of those little bites on my arms and legs. I knew we didn't have fleas or anything, so I was baffled as to what the bites were. Of course when I asked my Mom to please tell the landlord about it so he could have someone come in and spray for spiders, she ignored me. As usual, she won't do anything about it until it inconveniences her. Anytime I call the landlord he ignores me as well. If I didn't help with the rent that would definitely get his attention. Nice, yes?

I slept maybe 2 hours last night courtesy of the friendly spiders. I am not in the cheeriest of moods this morning, and who walked in the door but Uncle Bob. He's here every fucking day he doesn't work (4 days a week), and he's here some days he does work. I'm sooooo tired of seeing him, and yet I'm the bad guy for not being Merry Sunshine when he appears day after day. She actually had the nerve to tell me to be nice to him; not to tell him to get lost. Mind you, I wasn't rude to him, I just didn't engage in conversation with him. He doesn't call before he shows up, he simply appears. Plus he stays for hours on end, and I honestly can do without him. I was fine for 22 years without him being around, but now that Dad's dead we get to deal with his crappy family members because they feel guilty for not being around before Dad died. Seriously, he needs to go away.

I need to get offline and fax some stuff. I think I shall.
