Friday, December 12, 2003

OK, it's official. I'm addicted to this tea. I know, I really should find something better to be addicted to, but for now it's that tea.

Today was a boring day. I slept until 1PM, then I popped out of bed and wandered down to the living room to sit in the recliner collect dust until 5PM when I hopped in the shower. Then my Mom and I went to Sprint to get my phone turned back on. While in Belden Village we went to Kohl's and World Market, then to Wendy's for supper. That was the extent of my day. Now I'm watching The Amityville Horror on USA, and trying to decide when to go to bed. I believe it shoud be quite soon as I have a tiring weekend ahead of me. Detroit tomorrow, then WV on Saturday. I guess I'm driving to WV and returning home on the same day; won't this be fun? My moving team (OK one person) has to be home all day on Sunday so we're going down and back on Saturday. That's going to suck.

OK, I'm off to bed.