Sunday, March 06, 2005

Not So Sure

I received my new Ikea catalog today. There's a couple pairs of curtains that would be so rockass in my room, some cute rugs as well, but I don't really see any point in buying all this stuff when I still live with my mom. As you can probably tell, not living on my own is really beginning to irritate me. Not having a job is irritating me even more. But I digress...

Instead of using my tax refund on Ikea stuff, I'm using it to go to Dayton to buy suspension and brakes for the Camaro. Makes complete sense, doesn't it?

I'm going to post images of the Ikea crap I'd like to buy since no one is interested in listening to what I have to say. At least if my readers don't fucking care, I don't know about it. Because, heaven forbid, anyone listens to what I have to say.

Not that I expect to ever have any of this stuff because I'm too busy spending what little money I manage to get on other people. Because I'm a nice person (some could say doormat and they'd probably be correct) and I put other people's happiness before my own.

That is all.