Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Baby Update

Seems as though I have myself a slight case of pre-eclampsia (or toxemia.) The doctor says it isn't too bad, but we need to monitor it closely. "Monitoring closely" consists of doctor visits and ultrasounds every two weeks until I have the baby. In better news, the baby is fine (all the test results were negative,) and I have no icky diseases, including HIV, herpes and hepatitis. We're both disease free and healthy except for the pesky pre-eclampsia. Hopefully it doesn't cause any problems.

Knight Rider is on Sci-Fi and Trio! I must exchange the DVR so I can annoy the piss out of Morgan with Knight Rider reruns.

Woo, instead of buying a 4th Gen Camaro, we're buying a digital camcorder. I figured this model is the best for us because it supposedly takes movies in low light. We're going to use the camcorder primarily at night, so this is an important feature.

How I wish our new couch were in stock...

Blah, I'll go back to bed, but if Morgan's still snoring I won't get any sleep.

That is all.