Tuesday, January 31, 2006

BaronBomb Part II

I spoke with the bank lady in regard to the BaronBomb. She's trying to find the beast, and once she does, Morgan and I can inspect the car prior to paying the $400 to get it back. I'm excited. Even though the car was a piece of shit half the time, the other half it was a lot of fun to drive. Plus, since it won't be my only means of transportation this time around, I won't be as irritated by it overheating and all the other BaronBomb things it was so good at doing. It'll be parked at my Mom's house (she can't drive a 5-speed, HA) and will wind up being our parts hauler. Morgan got a kick of the suggestion, but it's true. Since the car's a convertible, we can put the top down, and hang parts out of the backseat. It'll wind up giving us much more room than TruckBird, as long as everything is secured. I think it's a good idea, no matter how hard he laughed at me.

Instead of taking advantage of the empty bed (Morgan fell asleep on the couch,) I'm on the Internet. LAME.

I woke up this morning (Monday) and couldn't walk. Physically my legs worked fine, but my hips weren't cooperating. I crawled to the bathroom (Morgan had left for work so he couldn't help me,) and tried to sleep some more. I made dinner around 6PM, then sat on the couch for a couple hours. When I finally laid down, I slept for an hour or so, got up to pee then laid down again. Upon stretching, I heard some nasty crack-pops from my hip/tailbone areas, and I can now walk fine. My crotch (is it called the "crotch" on women?) still hurts from everything moving around, but I can at least walk pretty normally. I think I overdid it this weekend with the trip to Mansfield and 2 hour jaunt in the junkyard on Saturday, then grocery shopping for 2 hours on Sunday.

I should probably sleep.

That is all.