Friday, January 20, 2006

Where's The W-2's?

It'd be nice if Morgan's W-2's would arrive so I could file his taxes (I use TurboTax's free file.) He's supposed to get a refund of around $500, and I'm getting a whopping $197! I'm sure he'll use his refund for car stuff, and I'll probably wind up putting mine in our checking account. We will not buy another car! No we will not!!! I find it amusing the general public thinks people (like us) drive 3rd gen Camaros and Firebirds because we can't afford any better. Um, no. We could have purchased a new, or almost new car, but then we'd have a car payment. And only two cars. And new cars, for the most part, suck ass. We have 4, count them, FOUR cars. All are paid for. All run well and can be trusted to go anywhere. 3 of the 4 are virtually rust free. Our car insurance is $102/month. And we don't have any car payments. Take that, people who scoff at our cars!!!!

Went to the laundromat today and had the usual rip-roaring time. At least the clothes are washed now.

The big news...We bought a couch! Our first major purchase together, awwwwww (if you don't include the red RS we bought in November.) It's black leather, but won't be available for delivery for 3-4 weeks. That blows ass, but at least we can look forward to our new couch. We're getting a new mattress tomorrow thanks to my Mom. For her birthday she's going to buy us a new mattress. Makes complete sense...

I'm feeling much better today so I think I was blessed with a bout of the 24 hour flu. Thank goodness it was only the 24 hour kind. A friend of mine had some crazy stomach flu that lasted a week. A WEEK!!! I'd have shot myself, or drown myself in the potty.

I still haven't exchanged our DVR/cable box for a new one. I really should do that tomorrow since the hard drive went bad, what, two weeks ago? We don't have to pay for the replacement, the one good thing about cable, but I will have to stand in line I'm sure. Gah, I hate standing in line.

I'm taking the Birdy to my Mom's house tomorrow. This will be his second significant trip (more than 5 minutes round trip) since the cap and rotor replacement. If he behaves tomorrow I think I can pronounce him cured. Woo!

Blackie needs wheel bearings something fierce. The noise is getting way too annoying; I'm so glad that's not my daily driver. Firebirds are way cooler anyway.

OK, then. I'm going to watch some show on torture (History Channel) then go to bed.

That is all.