Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Just In Case

I've found my wedding dress, now I have to get someone to marry me (hint.)

Morgan and I are going to an FBody party this Saturday. It'll be outside unless the Ohio weather gets really nasty, then it'll move inside. It should be quite interesting.

School is going OK. It's pretty much the same thing as Comp 1; same assignments and stuff, so it should be easier than Comp 1 as far as getting everything completed on time.

Morgan and I both have dentist appointments tomorrow (Wednesday.) Won't that be fun? My appointment is at 10:40AM and his is at 5:30PM. Neither of us have ever had a cavity, so I hope that streak will continue.

My next gyno visit is January 18. Hopefully I'll have another ultrasound pretty soon to determine how big this monster is getting.

Poop and blah.

That is all.