Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Yeah, Sure

NASCAR is such a redneck sport. I caught the last 5 minutes of some NASCAR thing on Speed, and I'm still giggling. The Barrett-Jackson auto auction is on all this week. Since I have to miss the Detroit Auto Show this year, Barrett-Jackson is my entertainment.

Apparently I have the stomach flu. Without going into gory details, I was up all night, and on the potty pretty much all of today too. I called my gyno/ob doc since I had an appointment today at 3:30PM, and she said I'm not supposed to leave the house. My appointment is rescheduled for Monday at 11AM. I get to sit here all evening, hoping my stomach doesn't begin revolting.

How does my $75/month cell phone bill wind up being $103/month? There were no usage fees, nor were there any ringtone purchases, yet it's almost $30 more than it should be. I love cell phones.

OK, I'm watching TV now.

That is all.