JR changed my work schedule again! It actually works out better, though. Mondays I'm in Steubenville, Wednesdays I'm in Akron and Saturdays I'm in Dover. Now I don't have to work the day after Steubenville. Woohoo! Steubenville always kicks my ass as I have to get up at 7AM and don't get home until 9PM. It'll be nice to be off the day after.
Getting paid every week is my friend. I thought it would be bad, but I actually save money more easily knowing I'll have more the next week. I'm strange, I know.
I subscribed to AudBlog so I'll have 12 audio posts a month. Everyone jump for joy!
The DSL service at home is finally working again. Woohoo!
I put my dresser thingie together wrong. I get to tear it apart and re-do it this afternoon. Woohoo!
OK, I'm off. Byeeeeeeeeeee!