Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Tuesday March 25, 2003

OK, so Tuesday's post is really early Wednesday morning. Too bad!!

Sorry I haven't been Miss Blog Updater Girl...Been busy.

It was warm today so I drove around with the top down.

Went to the allergy doctor today for my first round of tests. So far, I know I'm allergic to trout, brazil nuts, turkey, chocolate, blueberries and cranberries and have slight allergies to corn, green peppers and something else. Doesn't that just about suck? I go in next Thursday for my second round of allergy test. I'll post a list when I'm all finished!

Sold some crap on eBay; life is good.

Went to Gabe's and spent money for no reason. Boredom is death to my checking and PayPal accounts.

Going to bed; work in Tallmadge tomorrow.
