Saturday, April 02, 2005


Fuck that guy and his $100 for stripping the wallpaper/painting the walls. I'll explain when I'm more awake.

I had to share this right now, before I go to bed. Morgan and I were watching VH1 Classic (I was torturing him with Dokken, Lita Ford and Megadeth; it was Metal Mania time,) when Type O Negative's "Black No. 1" comes on. TON on VH1. VH1 Classic, nonetheless. What the fuck? Morgan took two photos as proof, because I told him I'd never have believed him had I not seen it for myself.
Photo 1
Photo 2 (End credits of video.)
To most people this isn't any big deal, but to me this is huge. Not only does it signify the fact that I'm getting old, but TON is much more mainstream than I've realized. I remember 10 years ago mentioning them and no one had any idea who the fuck I was talking about. Now, largely because of October Rust, everyone and their fucking grandma knows about TON. Not that it's a bad thing at all, but it's strange and disconcerting. If one more "huge TON fan" asks who Sal is, they're getting fucking smacked.

Bed for me.

That is all.