Saturday, April 30, 2005

OK, Yeah

Morgan found out today he has a new schedule. But oh no, don't get excited.
Monday 3-9
Tuesday 3-9
Wednesday OFF
Thursday 3-9
Friday 9-6
Saturday OFF
Sunday 10-5
It's worse than his current schedule. True, he now has Saturday off, but he doesn't have two days off in a row. His boss' last day was today, and someone else quit today too, so they needed someone to cover Tuesdays. He'd been asking for a schedule change for weeks, but nothing was every done. The second they need him switched, oh man does he get a new schedule. That place is as bad as his cunt mother.

Now I'm all pissed off.

I leave you with 4 videos. We (Morgan and I) were bored last night, so we tortured Abie the Cat and made him squeak.

Abie Being Cute
Abie Bitching
Abie Being Fat
Abie Close

That is all.