Saturday, January 22, 2005


All right, so my Mom's car (2001 Chevy Monte Carlo) started making a weird noise and the tire was wobbling at speed. We took her car to the dealership Tuesday night after Morgan got here from school, and the dealer (not a Chevy dealer) worked on it Wednesday. When the "service manager" called, he said the front axle needed replaced and the tranny needed flushed. The tranny flush was supposedly covered, but the axle wasn't, so she had to pay $109 for the work. OK, whatever. We go to pick up the car on Wednesday afternoon, and the "service manager" tells us the complete opposite of what he told her on the phone. I told the smarmy jackass they ripped us off for the tranny flush (too fucking high), and he replied that it wasn't K-Mart. Real classy. I also told him it'd be funny when my Mom's tranny goes out and they have to replace the whole thing. He asked why that would be funny and I replied with "because you're a smarmy jackass who needs to learn a lesson about customer service." "Maybe once you have to replace a tranny or two because of your incompetence, you'll learn your lessson." Long story short, the tranny is not only still making the noise, now it's worse. They were also supposed to call today when the axle arrived, and of course they didn't. This guy told her it's perfectly fine to drive with a bad axle. I'm going to laugh when it snaps, and they have to replace that, the engine when the axle whaps it while breaking and the tranny. Assfuckers.

I'm really tired of being lied to, being told half-truths and having information conveniently left out of things I'm told. Sure, I've made mistakes, but when it comes to important things, and especially when it involves people I love, I tell the fucking truth. Obviously it's a trait no one else shares.

I held the door for three people at the post office today; not one fucking person said thank you. This is just one of the many reasons why I find it harder and harder to like people. I let people in front of me on the highway; not a thank you wave to be seen. Anytime I'm the person who needs let onto the highway, no one returns the favor. Same goes for when I let people out when they're in a parking lot and trying to exit onto the street. No thank you wave, and no one does the same for me. Yeah, I shouldn't let it bother me, but fuck you, it does. I'm tired of being nice and never receiving any of the niceness in return. Even people I don't know take advantage of me, and people I do know are even worse. I'm not nice to people hoping to receive a fucking medal, but it is nice to receive niceness once in a while.

I'd love to watch my Season 2 NYPD Blue boxed set, but since I no longer have those DVD's I guess I can't. You know why I don't have the boxed set anymore, and you know who it is I'm referring to. Not that it was appreciated in any way.

I'm going to go because the bitching is going to get worse from here, and I'm sure no one wants to fucking hear that either. You know, because whenever any one needs to talk who do they come to? Me. But when I need to talk to someone, and that's not often at all, everyone is too fucking busy, they don't call me back or the just fucking ignore me and interrupt when I'm trying to talk.

See, there I go again.

That is all.