Thursday, January 01, 2004

Blogger was working fine earlier today, but now it seems to be down again. Until Blogger gets back up like normal, all of my Blogger hosted images will not be working. I hope they get this crap fixed soon.

I've packed up everything that needs to be shipped, and I'm going to finish my Avon order now.

I'll finish cleaning my room tonight in order to prepare for my new fishy! I'm buying a Siamese Fighting fish tomorrow, and I want to make sure my room is all arranged before I bring him into the house. I know, it's just a fish, but I want to make sure everything is arranged so he doesn't accidentally get knocked over or something. I was going to get a goldfish because they're so cute, but I don't think I could handle another pet dying right now. Siamese Fighting fish live through anything, so that's my new pet!

I watched "Wrong Turn" last night on DVD. It's not that great of a movie, but it is pretty funny. Pick it up if you're not doing anything else; it would also be a good party DVD. All in all I'd watch it again, and I'd buy it for $7 or less.

OK, I'm off...