Saturday, January 03, 2004

Well I replaced the coil wire on my car, yet he still chugs. I'm calling my mechanic tomorrow (Saturday) and finding out what he wants me to do. My car will chug, then fix himself and then chug again. And it only happens when it's been raining. Snow doesn't cause it, nor does regular sunny or overcast days. Hmmm...

I didn't get my fishy tonight, but I will buy him soon.

I may have really ultra-awesome news to post soon. I should know by this time next week, and as soon as I find out I'll post it. Either way, good or bad, I'll post the news as soon as I find out. I hope it's good!

I busted out the Atari this evening and played games for a good hour to hour and a half. I was too dorky happy to be sitting in front of the TV playing the original Frogger game. I kicked ass on Missile Command and Dig Dug, but I got my ass kicked on Pac-Man and Moon Patrol. I love Atari!

I miss Fluffy.

I managed to score my Keith Haring day planner for 2004. I couldn't find it at Border's prior to Christmas, but there were three of them there tonight, and all for half-off! Rockin, I say.

Alright, I'm going to finish watching Copycat on TNT.
