Sunday, January 18, 2004

Woohoo, the auto show was pretty good. Aside from all of the usual asses who walk in from of me when I'm trying to take photos, there weren't too many asshats there. The photos with people in them are due to the dumbasses either walking in front of me or standing in the fucking way. The asses in the Cobra photos were standing there for 10 minutes. I stood behind them for 10 minutes hoping they'd move, and they didn't. How rude is that? There was no need to stand there for 10 fucking minutes. The car's not going to do a trick; get out of the way! Even the people in the Ferrari area were more considerate, and Ferrari just unveiled the 612 Scaglietti for the gods sake! Photos may be viewed by clicking here. See how easy that is? When viewing the photos please remember I'm only 5'3" so it's hard for me to get really good up-close shots in a crowded area.

I've moved on to a different tea. Twinnings Black Currant is still good, but this is even better.

It snowed and that sucks.