I am so ready for Spring. Not just because of car shows, but because I'll be able to get outside and move about without freezing my ass off. As most of my loyal readers know, I love tinkering with my car and that's pretty hard to do in the cold, with numb hands. I found a new grille for my car, and power mirrors, but I'll have to wait until Spring to install the mirrors. I may have my mechanic install them, but I'll probably wind up doing it myself. I can switch the grille now because it's quick and easy to do. I'm still searching for the quad round headlight grille, to no avail.
I have yet to get a damn fish.
I think I'll do some laundry today, at the very minimum my clothes. I can wash the comforters at home, but it's going to take me all day to wash 4 comforters. Oh well, it'll give me something to do.