Monday, September 15, 2003

OK, there is something very funky going on with my blog. The entry area is all small, and I can't access any of my settings to try and fix it. Also, the template area is so small it will take me years to find the links area in order to update anything. I hope to have this happy shit fixed soon.

Finally I'm doing my weekend update, when the weekend's over!
I got home around 3:30 Friday afternoon; I left Glenville at 11:45AM. I stopped at the car museum on the way home, though, so I would have arrived home right aroun 3:45PM; 4 hours after I left. Fun, yes?? I picked up my Glenmoor VIP pass from Bob, then came home. Friday afternoon/evening was spent chasing the cat and pissing around the house. I was in bed by 9PM Friday evening.
Saturday morning I got up at noon, and was in Akron around 3PM. I went to Applebee's for my birthday dinner (all you can eat rib tips), then went to the pet store (Petsmart) and the dollar store. I found the cutest socks at the dollar store; they're pink with the Popsicle logo all over them. Woohoo!
Sunday I woke up at 11AM, and was at the Glenmoor show by noon. Stayed at Glenmoor until 2PM, then went to Swenson's for lunch. Came home around 4PM and bitched about my headache until 8PM, then went to bed by 8:30PM. Nice, yes? Finally my headache went away around 1PM today after I took 4 Advil. I believe it was coming home to Fluffy the Cat that caused my headache fiasco. Dammit!!

For any of you who read this entry earlier, I have no idea what that stuff at the bottom of my entry was. The blogger program was acting quite funny earlier this afternoon; it appears I managed to hack into someone else's account without even trying. Yes, I'm just that good!!! LOL

OK, I'm going to finish watching John Carpenter's Vampires, then I'm off to bed. I have a long day tomorrow, back to Glenville I go.
