Thursday, September 04, 2003

Well now, the roommates talked to me this evening. Here's how it transpired: The roommates have a bunch of guys who come over all the time. Well the guys always come into my room and talk with me as well. One of the guys called me after he left and asked me to tell one of the roommates something. I then explained to him that they don't talk to me therefore I wasn't relaying any messages to them. Along the conversation went, and the guy wound up calling my roommates and gave them hell for not being nice to me. Well, with all that arm twisting, they finally talked to me. I know we will never be "friends", but at least now we may be able to converse in passing. They're not leaving tonight, they're leaving tomorrow (Thursday) at 1PM, and are coming back Saturday night. The two I talked to, Sarah and Amber, both seemed OK. They are in my Psych of Human Sexuality class; they're minors are both Psych. I can't remember what they're majors are, or even if they told me. Oh well...

It's raining again! I swear, it's never going to stop.

OK, I'm going to watch the Cosby Show and then go to bed.
