Monday, September 01, 2003

Well I "met" my roommates. Since they got here around 2PM, I've spoken maybe 25 words to them. None of them bothered to introduce themselves to me, and I have yet to speak to the girl I share the bathroom with. I initiated both converstations with the other two girls. The second girl I talked to seemed to be the nicest of the three, but still, they could have at least said hi especially since they all know each other. It would be nice if we were able to converse, but at least we're not arguing with each other. They have the A/C jacked up higher than fuck, though, so I'm freezing my ass off. Better than roasting to death, I guess.

Tomorrow is registrar, cashier, bookstore day. Won't that be fun? I also need to get a parking permit, and pay the fucking parking ticket I got on Friday. I parked in the housing director's spot as I didn't think he'd be here on Friday evening, and I was moving my stuff in, plus there was a handicrapped spot right next to it. I came out to move my car around 10PM, and I had been ticketed at 9:34PM. It's only $10, but it's the point of the thing. I was moving my stuff into the apartment and I get ticketed. Yet he parked his fat ass in the handicrapped spot and didn't get a ticket. Nice, yes?

I'm doing my first load of laundry in the college laundry facilities, which are in the basement of my building. I have 16 minutes before the washer is finished. Hopefully it doesn't mangle my clothes, then I'll have to hurt someone.

I should have the T1 connection tomorrow; this is good. The photo I have posted to the left is of my building. I'm on the upper right side, well that's actually the living room window. My bedroom is in the back, on the left side of the apartment. It's a hundred times better than a dorm room, but I do wish I could chat with my roommates.

OK, I'm off to sit on my ass.